We Can't Stop Thirsting Over The New Pokemon Scarlet And Violet Professors

We've come a long way from Professor Oak offering us a choice of three back in Kanto, and since then, we've met plenty of other professors scattered around the regions. We're usually too distracted about whether we'll pick Fire, Water, or Grass to notice, but we'll admit, some of the Pokemon professors are lookers. Sorry, not you, Professor Elm.
Two more professors are making their mark on the franchise in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, with this dynamic duo being nothing like Professor Oak. While the OG Prof had his qualities as something of a silver fox, he wasn't exactly eye candy. We've met plenty of humanoid heroes and villains across the generations, however, Professor Sada and Professor Turo are easily the dishiest. We've already got Luvdiscs in our eyes over these new Pokemon Scarlet and Violet characters.
Professor Sada Is Fierce And Fanged
Giving us some serious Aloy from Horizon vibes, Professor Sada looks like a prehistoric warrior woman. With her rock-hard abs and steely stare, we could see her ruling over a fearsome clan beyond the Wall in Game of Thrones. Others noted that Sada seems to have fangs - channelling her Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Village. How much longer until people start creating fan art of her stamping on us? Oh wait, it's already out there.
While some of us were sidetracked by new Scarlet and Violet Legendaries or Lechonk trending, we left that portly porker to focus on the new professors. "Man, the minute Professor Sada popped up on screen I knew I was getting Pokemon Scarlet. Game Freak can't keep getting away with this," said one. Another added, "On the one hand I think the new pokemon games look kinda sh*tty but on the other hand Professor Sada has my neurons fully activated. full awooga mode. I need to lick her abs."
Someone noticed that Sada seemingly comes from the Spanish for past (pasada), while Turo is clearly future (futuro), which would explain why their outfits are so different. For the first time in the franchise's history, you'll get different professors depending on which version you buy. Sada comes with Scarlet and Turo comes with Violet. Speaking of which, let's take a look at this square-jawed Lothario from the future.
Professor Turo Is Buff And Bearded
Why didn't Doc Brown from Back to the Future look this hot? Seriously. If our school science class had Professor Turo teaching, we think we'd be paying more attention. With just the right amount of stubble and a haircut you can imagine Bradley Cooper or Ryan Reynolds rocking, Professor Turo has set pulses racing just like Sada.
With players drooling over Turo, one wrote, "I think Professor Turo just permanently ended the 'who's the hottest male Pokémon professor' debate." Another swooned, "I want Professor Turo to [redacted] my [redacted] while I [redacted] all over his [redacted] and we [redacted] while [redacted] and then [redacted], satisfied," but you get the gist of what they were going for. Safe to say, you're all horny on Main right now.
With Pokemon Scarlet and Violet officially coming to shelves on November 18, we dread to think how much risque artwork will come crawling from the depths of the Twitterverse between now and then. It could be time for a cold shower and to remember a time a few hours ago when Sada and Turo weren't dominating our timelines. Let's hope for a live-action Scarlet and Violet adaptation so we won't feel quite as weird salivating over Pokemon professors.