Should I skip the Diablo 4 campaign for Season 4?

Season 4 of Diablo 4 is finally here, when you create your new character you will have to choose whether or not to skip the campaign.
The whole loop of seasonal play involves creating new characters, trying out new builds, and engaging with all the new content and mechanics. Depending on whether you are returning to the game or starting fresh, you will have to decide whether or not to play through the campaign first.
Should I skip the campaign?
If you've played Diablo 4 previously and you're looking to get right into the new Season 4 content, it's best that you skip the campaign. Otherwise, you'll have to spend upwards of 20 hours playing through it again before you see anything new.
New players trying the game out for the first time should spend the time going through the campaign first. You get to experience the story as the game gradually teaches you the mechanics, you'll explore the map and generally get a decent understanding of Diablo before launching into the seasonal content.

The main question when making the choice relates to levelling up, as the campaign does offer a straightforward way to get to the required level 50 and begin the new endgame content that's introduced during a season.
However, skipping the campaign in favour of the Whispering Tree, Season Journey, dungeons, and events is more efficient for levelling up, allowing you to earn XP much quicker.
You can also choose the hybrid choice of playing parts of the campaign and skipping ahead to other content once you feel like you've levelled up enough.
Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference, but hopefully, the above information should help you on the way.
Check out our Diablo 4 homepage for more guides on the latest season. Otherwise, here are guides on the best endgame builds for Necromancers, Druids, Barbarians, Rogues, and Sorcerers.