Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree: All Scadutree Fragment locations

Here are all of the Scadutree Fragments in Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, alongside how to use them and what they do.
Gravesite Plain
Church of Consolation

You can find a double Scadutree Fragment drop underneath the Statue of Marika in the Church of Consolation. This is to the east of the first Gravesite Plain Site of Grace.
Shadow Pot near Scorched Ruins

This isn't a fixed pickup but instead tied to one of the Shadow Pots you'll find in the Land of Shadow. These are the Shadow enemies balancing a pot on top of their head, and they'll typically run away from you when you approach - so catch them quickly.

Heading east of the Scorched Ruins, just northeast of the first Site of Grace in the DLC, you'll find a Shadow Pot enemy. They'll drop a Scadutree Fragment once killed, so go for them first and then deal with the other enemies.
Three-Path Cross

The next logical drop is by the Three-Path Cross Site of Grace, right underneath Miquella's Cross. This is where you'll meet Redmayne Freja and Hornsent for the first time.
Cliffroad Terminus Shadow Pot

Head southwest from the Cliffroad Terminus Site of Grace - found by taking the hidden path to the west of Belurat's entrance - and you'll find a graveyard. The Shadow Pot enemy will be within this area, so make sure to rush them to take them down before you get swamped.
Main Gate Cross

Heading up to Belurat you'll find the Main Gate Cross Site of Grace, where you'll meet Ansbach and Moore for the first time. Once again, the Scadutree Fragment is underneath the Miquella Cross.
Road to Castle Ensis

After crossing the bridge to lead you to Castle Ensis in the northeast of Gravesite Plain, there will be a Statue of Marika in the middle of a soldier encampment, and underneath you'll find a Scadutree Fragment.
Pillar Path Cross

Underneath the Miquella Cross at the Pillar Path Cross Site of Grace is another Scadutree Fragment. This is where you'll meet Thiollier for the first time.
Head south from Castle Ensis until you reach the Pillar Path Waypoint Site of Grace. Then, head back north on the right-hand side of the road and you'll be able to drop down to the Pillar Path Cross area and collect your Fragment.
Belurat, Tower Settlement
Miquella Cross

You'll be able to pick up a Scadutree Fragment in Belurat by finding the Miquella Cross, which is located by jumping over some fallen stone to the right of the circular room that houses two spider scorpions.

You can get here by turning left down the path where the path to the right takes you to a bunch of Gravebirds. Alternatively, if you've unlocked the shortcut that opens the big door at the start of the legacy dungeon, just head up here and continue forward until you get to the fallen stone.
Castle Ensis
Castle Ensis Checkpoint

Naturally, as you progress through Castle Ensis you'll reach the Castle Ensis Checkpoint Site of Grace, and find another Miquella Cross. This is just after a small hill where a Hammer Black Knight roams, and just by the portcullis that leads into the rest of the castle.
Scadu Altus
Highroad Cross

After beating Rellana, Twin Moon Knight and continuing on the path you'll enter Scadu Altus and find the Highroad Cross Site of Grace. This is where you'll meet Needle Knight Leda for the first time, and reencounter Hornsent. The Scadutree Fragment is found underneath the Miquella Cross.
Church of the Crusade

A double stack of Scadutree Fragments can be obtained at the Church of the Crusade. This is northwest of the Highroad Cross Site of Grace. You'll need to beat the Fire Knight Queelign invasion first (or risk it if you're good at dodging!) but the Fragments are found underneath the Statue of Marika at the rear.
Moorth Ruins

Directly to the east of Highroad Cross is both Moorth Ruins and the Moorth Ruins Site of Grace. You'll find a Scadutree Fragment underneath the Miquella Cross by the Site of Grace, and also be able to meet Dryleaf Dane for the first time.
North of Moorth Ruins

Heading north of Moorth Ruins, you'll find a Scadutree Fragment underneath a Statue of Marika. This is found beyond a lake with the blue worm creatures, and just before the entrance to a cave with poison flowers.
Moorth Ruins Shadow Pot

Another Shadow Pot can be found to the southeast of Moorth Ruins, just around the large hole.

While the Shadow Pot enemy will be standing on their own rather defenceless, you'll need to be careful as a Curseblade will likely drop down and attack you as soon as you pick up the Scadutree Fragment from the Shadow Pot's body.
Moorth Ruins Soldier Camp

To the west of Moorth Ruins is a small Soldier Camp, where you'll find a few enemies and then a new Scadutree Fragment to add to your Blessing.

I'd recommend clearing the enemies here before you pick up the item, as they can easily stagger you if you're not careful. Once again, the Fragment is found underneath a Statue of Marika.
Soldier Camp before Shadow Keep

Just after the south side of the Soldier Camp before the Shadow Keep you can find a Statue of Marika with a Scadutree Fragment underneath.

You'll need to jump up on the small half-wall to the right in order to reach this, and the commotion can sometimes knock it down. Just look out for the blue item drop, and a Fragment should be in your hands soon.
Scaduview Cross

The next Scadutree Fragment in Scadu Altus is found at the Scaduview Cross Site of Grace. To get here, you'll need to head south of Moorth Ruins to the cliffs before you reach the Fort of Reprimand. Head to the eastern cliff and there should be a sealed spiritspring here. You can either find the rocks around the cliff area, or just use Mohg's/Margit's Shackle to break the rocks.

From here, take the spiritspring up onto the cliff and follow the path until you reach the Site of Grace and the Miquella Cross, and the Fragment will be yours to claim.
Bottom of the waterfall by Ruins of Unte

This one has quite a lengthy route to get to it and requires you to first reach the Ruins of Unte through an illusionary wall and coffin in the Shadow Keep.

On the walkway with the burning ships where you can assist Leda or Hornsent, drop down a ladder near the end, head west, drop down another ladder, and then roll through an illusory wall to the right of the painting in the next room.

This will then lead to a coffin, which you should get in, taking you to the Ruins of Unte. To the east of the Ruins is a waterfall - take the path to the left, and follow it around until you reach a point where you can drop down into the water below. Head all the way back to the base of the waterfall, and Scadutree Fragment will be waiting for you.
Double Hippopotamus south of Ruins of Unte

If you continue down the path south of Ruins of Unte you'll find two Hippopotamuses roaming a shallow lake of water.
You'll get a Scadutree Fragment each when you defeat them - thankfully it's nowhere near as hard as the Golden variant found in the Shadow Keep.
Shadow Keep
Golden Hippopotamus

Beating the Golden Hippopotamus boss fight just after the Shadow Keep Main Gate Site of Grace will grant you two Scadutree Fragments. This certainly isn't an easy fight though, and it took me quite a few tries!
Storehouse, Fourth Floor

Head up through the Storehouse until you reach a bridge which has a giant body hanging next to it. You'll want to jump up onto the feet of this body and run along its back, jumping off its head at the end to reach the Storehouse, Fourth Floor Site of Grace.
At the Site of Grace should be another Miquella Cross, where you'll find a Scadutree Fragment underneath.
Marika Statue before Messmer

Just before you head up to fight Messmer, the Impaler, and rest at the Dark Chamber Entrance Site of Grace there will be a Statue of Marika, giving you another Scadutree Fragment.
Marika Statue in Church District

You'll need to enter the Shadow Keep from the eastern Church District to find this one, which is just to the north of the Cathedral of Manus Metyr. Run along the rooftops and jump onto the church structure after you've passed the Fire Knight - be careful not to fall into the water as it's an instant death!

Then, drop down through the roof and progress through the church until you find a Statue of Marika half submerged in the water in a round room to the right of the walkway that takes you up to the Storeroom Loft.

The Scadutree Fragment is found on the statue's hand, and you'll need to do a standard jump in order to get onto it. I find it a lot easier to do once the water in the area has been drained, as otherwise one wrong move and you'll be sent back to the Site of Grace.
Shadow Keep Back Gate

Just to the right of the Shadow Keep Back Gate Site of Grace you'll find another Scadutree Fragment underneath a Marika Statue. To reach here, you'll need to make your way up to the Storehouse Loft, which is through a lift to the left of the Marika Statue in the Church District above.

From there, continue through the area until you reach the wooden rafters at the top, and then you'll want to use one of the big hanging cogs to drop down onto a platform on the other side of the room that takes you back outside. There will then be a lift that takes you down to the Back Gate.
Scadutree Chalice

While not strictly part of the Shadow Keep, you'll need to head through the Shadow Keep Back Gate and beat Commander Gaius to reach here. Once you've defeated Gaius, head to the back left of his area and head up to the hill to reach the Scadutree Chalice.

At the top here there are five separate Scadutree Fragments, which is the biggest singular collection you'll find in the game, letting you increase your Blessing by almost two whole levels!
Charo's Hidden Grave/Cerulean Coast
Cerulean Coast Cross

On the southern side of the Southern Shore, you'll be able to find the Cerulean Coast Cross Site of Grace, and another Scadutree Fragment underneath the Miquella Cross here too.
I missed this on my way down to the fissure, but it's just to the east before you head onto the last southern section of the map.
Cerulean Coast Cave

Starting at the Cerulean Coast West Site of Grace, head up the path to the north towards the Demi-Human Queen Marigga boss fight, and just before you enter the beach where she's found there will be a small dark cave to the right.

Inside you'll find a couple of demi-humans, alongside an item drop holding a Scadutree Fragment.
Charo's Hippopotamus

Like many of the other regions in the game, you'll be able to find a Hippopotamus in Charo's Hidden Grave, who will grant you a single Scadutree Fragment upon death.

Starting at the Charo's Hidden Grave Site of Grace, head west and continue until you reach the lake in the map above, where you'll be able to take on the large beast.
Abyssal Woods
Abandoned Church

Reaching the Abyssal Woods is a much longer process that we've covered fully in our areas walkthrough, but once you're in the horror-filled forest you'll want to head all the way to the eastern side to find the Abandoned Church.
As expected, you'll find two Scadutree Fragments in a single-item stack underneath the Statue of Marika at the rear.
North of Abyssal Woods Site of Grace

Heading north from the Abyssal Woods Site of Grace will net you another Scadutree Fragment.

Thankfully you won't have to contend with any Winter Lanterns along the way here, but there are a few rats that you'll need to fight in order to reach the item drop by a tree.
Ancient Ruins of Rauh
Temple Town Ruins

If you continue past the Scadutree Fragment found north of Moorth Ruins it'll eventually lead you onto a path towards the Temple Town Ruins. While technically in the Rauh Ruins, you'll find that it's halfway between the former and Scadu Altus, and is far below the actual Ancient Ruins.

Once you've found the Temple Town Ruins, head to the western side and use two of the crumbling buildings to jump up onto the Town's walls.

Once you're in, head up the set of stairs to the east and you should be able to see an item on a corpse hanging over the bridge. Walk over the top of the bridge, drop down, and then head inside to claim the Scadutree Fragment.
Roaming Hippopotamus

Once you've entered the Ancient Ruins of Rauh from the Shadow Keep, head southeast from the first Site of Grace and take an elevator down into a cave-type area. You can fight the Bloodfiends here, or just head out of the hole in the wall to skip the danger.

From there, you'll want to head down into the pool of water to the southwest and there will be a roaming Hippopotamus that you can fight. Beating it will reward you with a Scadutree Fragment.
Rauh Ancient Ruins, East

Another Scadutree Fragment can be found underneath the Miquella Cross next to the Rauh Ancient Ruins, East Site of Grace. This is on the main path you'll take through the area, so is very difficult to miss.
Shadow Pot

Heading back into the ruins that took you to the Rauh Ancient Ruins, East Site of Grace, head back down the last spiritspring and head southeast towards another one in the area.

Once you jump up into the upper level there should be a Shadow Pot enemy with another two enemies around it. Make sure to take them out first as they will run away and disappear otherwise.
Curseblade Room

Heading southwest from the Rauh Ancient Ruins, West Site of Grace will take you to a large room with lots of enemies, including the ever-terrifying Curseblade.

Once you've cleared the Curseblade room of all enemies, head to the north side of the room and there will be a Scadutree Fragment by an altar-like structure.
Before Spiral Rise Horned Knight

The path up from the Spiral Rise Site of Grace should eventually take you to another Horned Knight, but turn right just before you head onto the roof and there will be a small room holding a Scadutree Fragment.

Cleansing Chamber Anteroom

Just ahead of the Cleansing Chamber Anteroom Site of Grace is an easy Scadutree Fragment to pick up.
Hidden area from Spiral Rise

This is perhaps the most complex route for a Scadutree Fragment in the game, and it starts from the Spiral Rise Site of Grace.

First, head back down the stairs towards the first Horned Warrior and turn left at the inquisitor enemy that is sitting down. There will be some stairs that you can head down.

At the end of that path you'll want to jump onto another set of stairs below, then head south to reach a 'dead end' of sorts.

You'll then want to look towards the wall and down, and there will be a small ledge that you can drop down onto to the east. After dropping down, follow this ledge path to the right, dropping down through the gaps when they appear.

Then, jump onto the platform at the end of this path, and follow it round left to drop down onto another set of stairs.

At the bottom of these stairs should be an item drop with a pickled liver, and to the right of that, you'll be able to see a window into another building. Do a running jump towards this window and you'll be able to get through. Don't worry if you think that's too much, as you'll hit the wall first and then slide through the window gap.

Continue along the path and you'll eventually reach an opening with an altar-like stone structure on the left, and the Scadutree Fragment will be on the right. You should definitely also head down the first elevator on the right as there's a very strong secret weapon at the end of the path.
Jagged Peak
Underneath the boulder

After beating the Jagged Peak Drake you'll head up a path where boulders are rolling towards you. Right underneath where the boulders fall from will be an item drop holding a Scadutree Fragment.

Thankfully the boulders seem to stop falling once you get close enough, so you don't have to worry about being squashed!
How to use Scadutree Fragments
Find and rest at any Site of Grace in the Land of Shadow and select the 'Shadow Realm Blessing' option, then select 'Scadutree Blessing'.

Each level of Scadutree Blessing requires a certain number of Scadutree Fragments, with the early levels only needing one or two, increasing to three for later enhancements.
It'll also signal the golden icon next to the Shadow Realm Blessing option at a Site of Grace whenever you can increase your Scadutree Blessing of Revered Spirit Ash Blessing, much like if you have available Golden Seeds or Sacred Tears to use.
Scadutree Blessing effects
Raising your Scadutree Blessing increases both your damage and damage negation, and you can see the difference by checking the yellow numbers on your Status menu in the Land of Shadow, compared to the white ones when you travel back to the Lands Between.
This effect is only present within the Land of Shadow and doesn't carry over to the base game and the Lands Between.
In my experience, increasing your Scadutree Blessing is an essential part of progressing through the DLC, and you will likely struggle when faced with many of the bosses and even standard enemies if you neglect to increase your Blessing.