Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree: How to beat Divine Beast Dancing Lion

The Divine Beast Dancing Dragon is the first boss most players will face in Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, and it poses a formidable challenge that certainly doesn't reflect how early you face it in the expansion. Learn where to find the boss and how to beat it below.
Boss breakdown
Divine Beast Dancing Lion is a tough boss, and it can be generally broken down into two distinct phases, with the second phase ramping up the difficulty.
The moveset remains largely the same between the two phases, only with added effects, status damage, and a few new attacks in the latter half of the boss fight.

The first phase sees the Lion do standard physical attacks in an aggressive fashion, alongside a few different ranged moves that involve an ash-like substance. For the second phase though the Lion switches between three different mini-phases: lightning, frost, and wind.
Every time that the Lion does a physical attack in the lightning phase, the surrounding area will be primed for an area-of-effect lightning attack. The frost phase integrates frost-stomp attacks into the moveset. Finally, the wind phase introduces high-damage whirlwind moves that you'll want to avoid.
Moreover, both the lightning and frost phases replace the aforementioned ash attacks with projectiles matching their damage type. These deal more damage to the player and build up the frostbite status effect in the latter case.
You'll trigger the second phase after depleting a third of the Lion's health pool, although this can happen earlier if you're taking a while, or nearer the halfway mark if you can get lots of burst damage.
Strategy, tips & tricks
Nine times out of ten the boss will open the fight with a straight projectile ash attack that tracks you for a couple of seconds, so the best way to avoid this is to run either left or right after you make your way through the boss gate.

The attack you'll most want to watch out for during the first phase in particular is the grab. Thankfully this is well telegraphed as the Lion stands on its hind legs and bites three times before lunging in. It'll then lean in towards you so make sure to dodge away at the last second to avoid the grab.

Another attack to keep an eye out for is the twisting triple combo. This starts with the Lion winding up a spin towards you. It'll do this attack twice in a row, and then a third pull-up attack in the spot where it lands. The third attack is delayed compared to the first two, so don't be fooled into thinking that the combo's over.
It'll then follow this up by standing on its hind legs and spraying ash downwards in a circle for three full rotations. If you time it right you can get a hit or two in, but I'd generally recommend retreating - which you can use to heal, buff your weapon, or generally catch a breath.
Generally it only attacks with its head or front section, so staying around the back is your best way of avoiding damage. It's very aggressive and remains constantly on the move though, so don't expect to get more than one or two hits in at any one time.

You'll be able to tell that it's moving into the second phase once it jumps into the air and roars. It can start with any of the three mini-phases, but I found that it typically began with lightning attacks. It'll do the same when switching between the mini-phases too, although in the final stretch, it can quickly jump between all three.
In the lightning phase, it'll spawn lightning underneath it after every attack, which usually activates about a section after the attack has finished. While you can just roll away, I found it best to try to time a jump attack here as you'll get damage in and avoid being hit yourself.

It'll also do a very quick single lightning projectile during this phase, which is telegraphed when a bolt is summoned in its mouth. Make sure to dodge quickly after this starts, as it's a very short tell and can hit you quicker than you might expect.
The same is true for the frost phase as well, as timing jumps to avoid the incoming AoE attacks is an essential part of staying alive. You'll also want to pay attention to your frost status buildup too, as when that reaches its limit you'll be dealt massive damage and slowed which I definitely wouldn't recommend!
Finally, the wind phase is the easiest of the lot as you're able to get in the most attacks, but I found that the wind-based boss attacks also dealt the most damage to me. The deadliest attack here though is a giant whirlwind, which will be sent towards you shortly after the Lion starts spinning in the air.

Make sure to run backwards away from the Lion once this animation starts, and then run either left or right once the whirlwind starts coming towards you. I found that dodging it was near impossible any other way unless you're right up close.
- 90,000 Runes
- Remembrance of the Dancing Lion
- Enraged Divine Beast (Talisman)
- Divine Beast Frost Stomp (Art of War)
- Divine Beast Head

While the Divine Beast Head is a fantastic-looking helmet in its own right, you'll want to head to the Belurat Storeroom just down from the Small Private Altar Site of Grace and unlock the door using the corresponding key.
Wearing the Divine Beast Head and speaking to the Empyrean Grandam inside the Storeroom will not only give you a fantastic item, but you'll also get some rather intriguing dialogue.