Do backpacks despawn in LEGO Fortnite?

- Backpacks do not despawn in LEGO Fortnite and will stay in the same spot where you died
- To keep track of where the backpack is, you can check the marker that is made on the map
If you’ve been doing some exploring in LEGO Fortnite and found yourself in a sticky situation, you may be wondering if your backpack will despawn if you die.
If you kick the bucket in the game while you’re in survival mode, you’ll likely lose all your gathered gear, including your rare pickaxes and valuable resources like Copper Bars - but your backpack is your last chance to get it back.
Do backpacks despawn?
The short answer is no, backpacks won’t despawn in LEGO Fortnite. This means you don’t need to worry so much if you die, as long as you can make it back to the spot where you did.
Fortunately, LEGO Fortnite isn’t a Soulslike game, so if you die again before collecting it, your backpack still won’t despawn. You’ll just have to go back and grab another one if you should die collecting your first.

Additionally, you should make sure that you set your inventory drop settings, like in the image above when you start a fresh world seed.
How to find your backpack in LEGO Fortnite
To locate your backpack, all you need to do is check your map for the marker you left behind. As you travel through the various biomes, you’ll be filling out the map with the terrain you’ve explored.

Once you’ve checked the marker on the map as above, all you’ll need to do is retrace your steps. If you set a spawn point by sleeping in the game, you’ll return there when you die. While it can’t always be helped, try and take that final hit somewhere relatively accessible. It’ll save you a long trek back.
If you’re on the hunt for even more guides, check out our Fortnite homepage to find out how to find Knotroot, Flexwood and even how build a car in the game.