Fortnite players have calculated that XP gains have been nerfed this season

Fortnite's new seasons are always a treat, even for a more casual player like myself. Between this season's Mad Max-style theme, the arrival of Magneto, and the ever-shifting map, there's a lot to take in.
It's not all positive additions, though, as Fortnite fans have been tallyingh the numbers on the game's subreddit, confirming players are getting less XP week-to-week for completing quests and earning bonuses.
Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 has nerfed XP gains
User KvasirTheOld showcased that while weekly quests now offer more XP (15k up from 10k), Epic has actually diminished the rewards elsewhere.
Daily bonuses are now stuck at 15k but match quests now afford players 1k each - an 80% reduction from the 5k offered per match quest last season.
When you tally up the weekly and daily earning potential, you're left with 490k last season, or 441k this season - a 49k difference.
Commenters are, as you'd imagine, less than pleased, with some suggesting Epic is pushing players to spend V-Bucks on Battle Pass tiers.
"They're going to see how hard they can push it before people throw a fit," one said, while another pointed out that Epic previously reduced XP gains in Chapter 2 which was reverted.
User red_tuna noted that by reducing the rewards from on dailies, Epic is now actively hurting players who log in more than a few times each week.
"If you are averaging three or more days played per week over the season, then this change is hurting your xp", they noted.
"If you are averaging 1 or 2 days played per week, then the benefits from the weeklies increase outweigh the loss from the dailies."
Looks like my casual way of playing Fortnite might just pay off this season after all.