Top 10 FIFA 23 SBCs of 2022

Squad Building Challenges - colloquially known as SBCs - are the lifeblood of the FIFA Ultimate Team game mode nowadays.
Releasing near-enough daily in some shape or form, they allow players to exchange cards they don't want for a wide variety of special packs or players.
Ever since they were introduced in FIFA 17, they have completely revolutionised the way we play FIFA, with much of the game's best content derived from them.
So, it's only natural that there's a few particular highlights that stand out to us, allowing us to make this list of the top 10 FIFA 23 SBCs of 2022.
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Top 10 FIFA 23 SBCs of 2022
Unfortunately, not every great SBC can make this top ten, and there are plenty that have missed out that we would have loved to have included.
While there has been a significant amount of fan frustration around the arguably lacking content during the World Cup, there have still been a plethora of excellent challenges throughout the year that have provided a great balance of price to performance.
While there will still be a few SBCs in this list that are more on the expensive end of things, we have placed a much stronger weight on the perceived value of each SBC, meaning that those great cheap SBCs do have an upper hand.
As a final note, this list was conducted on December 9, so unfortunately, any SBCs released after this date will not be included - regardless of how great they are.
Do make sure to check out our FIFA 23 SBC solutions guide if you want any of the cheap solutions though, as that will stay updated.
So, without further adieu, here's our list of the top 10 FIFA 23 SBCs of 2022:
#10: Pre black friday flash challenge 2

While it might seem rather odd to start off this list with a simple puzzle SBC, this particular one offered the best value of the lot by a significant margin.
Rivalling those ten coin packs released around the same time, this SBC gave you a tradeable Rare Players Pack worth 50,000 Coins, all for an average price of just over 7,000 Coins.
You could easily eliminate that cost by using untradeable players in your club, which made this even better. In a time where Path to Glory players, Best of TOTW, and World Cup Icons were in packs, this stood out as a must complete.
#9: Out of position Federico Chiesa

Even though he might not have made it into everyone's team, considering the low popularity of Series A or Italian squads, OOP Chiesa is easily one of the best SBC players they've released this year.
For just over 140,000 Coins, you got an excellent player either on the right or through the middle, and with the move away from the Lengthy meta, this card only got stronger.
#8: Ones to watch Franck Kessié

Coming very early on in the year, this particular SBC - while not seeming worth it really at the time, actually ended up being fantastic value.
Kessié is very unlikely to get any inform cards, and Ivory Coast is not even at the World Cup, so he is realistically only eligible for the one Wins to Watch upgrade from Barcelona.
However, he ended up being an absolute monster in the midfield, intercepting nearly every ball that entered his radius, and bullying any and all players when going for tackles.
While 107k is a heftier price, especially at the start of the game, it has ended up being a really good price for a really good card.
#7: Max 87 FUT hero upgrade

Coming in at 74,000 Coins with the chance to get players like Yaya Touré, Claudio Marchisio, and Ivan Cordoba, it would be remiss of us to neglect the Max 87 FUT Hero Upgrade SBC.
Everybody loves a good upgrade pack, as there are few better feelings than the thrill of seeing the pack animation gradually reveal your fate.
While we have had multiple other Hero packs since this one, and this particular upgrade is missing some of the big players, it stands out for its price, its timing early in the cycle, and its ability to gift players that will still easily be in your team now. Hands up if you got Crouch though, poor you.
- You will need to find out what the FIFA 23 cheapest 88 rated players are if you plan to complete any more Icon SBCs.
#6: World Cup icon Bastian Schweinsteiger

Not to spoil the rest, but this is the only Icon player SBC to appear in this list, and for good reason too.
While many of the Icon SBCs released so far have either been a bit underwhelming, or quite overpriced, the World Cup Schweinsteiger SBC was not only really well-priced at around 330,000 Coins, but also turned out to be one of the best midfielders in the game.
With most of his face stats at least in the mid-'80s, this version of Schweinsteiger is just a fantastic box to box that could be the star of most players' teams.
Considering his release time around a number of easy-to-obtain fodder packs, this card became even better value to complete.
#5: 85+ double upgrade

Speaking of fodder packs, while not quite comparable to those that give you dozens of players, the 85+ Double Upgrade SBC ended up being in the right place at the right time.
Rating-based upgrade SBCs are very much a risk, with the chance of you getting less than you submitted being rather high.
However, this meant that you could easily recycle them back in, giving you another chance at some great cards.
Considering that this was available during Black Friday when there was an abundance of high-value, high-rated cards in packs, this was a no-brainer to give at least a few attempts.
#4: 87+ Base or mid icon SBC solution

Following on from the previously mentioned FUT Hero Upgrade is the 87+ Base or Mid Icon SBC, which is confidently the best Icon upgrade that we've got so far.
With a fair chunk of the bottom end completely ruled out by the rating threshold, this SBC gives you an even better chance of packing one of the big boys, across both base and mid versions.
Any SBC that gives you the chance to pack players like Ronaldo, Pele, Zidane, Cruyff, or Gullit is an immediate win, and is definitely worth taking a chance on.
You do obviously run the risk of still packing a dud, especially with every mid Icon being at least 87, but you just have to hope in times like these.
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#3: Road to the knockouts Ismaël Bennacer

Coming in as a bit of a surprise pick, the RTTK Bennacer SBC is confidently one of the best value challenges released so far, and comes out as our pick for the best player SBC released for FIFA 23 in 2022.
While the Milan midfielder was already a great choice when first released, it is the double upgrade he received for Milan's performance in the Champions League that catapulted this card to greatness.
Taking him up to a rating of 87, and performing even better than that would suggest, this card is undeniably a steal for just 25,000 Coins.
#2: 3x 84+x20 pack

We might be cheating a bit here as this is technically not a traditional SBC, but it still comes under the same section, and it is just that good.
As part of the World Cup Swaps program, you will need to exchange 20 Swaps tokens to get this, but the prospect of 60 players over 84 is far too good to turn down.
While some players have complained about the pack weight a bit, with the perhaps mistaken image in their head being guaranteed World Cup Icons, these packs at their worst will let you complete even the more expensive SBCs completely for free, and might even let you bag some really meta players too.
You could even save them for TOTY if you're feeling lucky, but if we're being honest who can wait that long.
#1: Position Modifier upgrade

No, we're not joking! While it might not be the flashiest, and it is certainly not the most expensive, the Position Modifier Upgrade SBC was always there when we needed it.
With the shift to both the chemistry and position change systems in FIFA 23, it is even more essential to always have position modifier cards waiting in your club.
Considering that players in the wrong position now give out and receive zero chemistry, it has never been more important to have your cards in the right spot.
Without this SBC, these modifiers would likely be at least 5,000 Coins - similar to Shadows and CF-CAM cards in previous years, whereas now you can obtain them for nothing more than an untradeable non-rare bronze.
If you aren't already doing it, do yourself a favour and stick any untradeable duplicates that you would otherwise just discard into this SBC. Future you will be very thankful.
So, that wraps up this list of the top 10 FIFA 23 SBCs of 2022 - you'll have to let us know if you agree with any of our picks, or if we missed any that you loved.
In the meantime though, make sure to check out this FIFA 23 cheapest 86 rated players guide for the next time a big SBC rolls around.