FIFA 23 Best Controller Settings

Figuring out what the FIFA 23 best controller settings are for you can really help you out in improving your overall playstyle. If your fundamentals aren't right in FIFA, you're always going to struggle to improve, so it's important to get your baseline set up correctly. So, to find out what the FIFA 23 best controller settings are, make sure to carry on reading the rest of this guide below.
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FIFA 23 Best Controller Settings

Of course, while some of these FIFA 23 best controller settings are definitely the right choice, it is all down to personal preference, and you might opt for a more phased approach to changing them. For example, some of the options we suggest will make the game 'harder' to begin with, but will give you more control over your actions that you can use to your advantage. You might not be ready for that skill wise though, so just try things out and see what fits you at this current point in time.
Furthermore, there are also some options that are completely down to personal preference, where there is no competitive benefit either way, but we will give what we have chosen regardless, and let you decide what you prefer.
So, here's a full list of the FIFA 23 best controller settings for you to implement:
- Competitive Master Switch: On
- This will be enabled by default in all online modes, so it is worth having on regardless to get used to it, unless you're wanting to just play mindlessly.
- Through Pass Assistance: Semi
- While you could go for manual - and by all means do so if you desire complete control over your actions, semi gives you a good balance between control and automation, allowing for a bit of help in those quick-decision moments.
- Timed Finishing: Off
- While very important in previous FIFA titles, it doesn't seem as strong in FIFA 23, therefore it is much better to have it off full stop. Even if you are fairly confident in hitting those green-timed shots, the prospect of a red-timed greatly outweighs the benefits in this current title.
- Next Player Switch Indicator: On
- One of the most essential options to have enabled - especially if you're not quite confident with right-stick switching yet.
- Pass Block Assistance: On
- While it can sometimes leave your player in the dust, it is generally a very useful setting to have activated, especially in this more manual defending system.
- Auto Switching: On Air Balls and Loose Balls
- On Air Balls and Loose Balls gives you a good balance between control and expectation, giving you a bit less to think about when a dangerous ball is floating over your defenders. It can be a bit temperamental sometimes, but more often than not it helps you out.
- Auto Switching Move Assistance: Low
- This setting very much depends on your confidence in switching, as the low setting is best for players who predominantly switch with L1/LB. As you're not super precise when using the shoulder button to switch, having some form of move assistance can prevent any awkward redirections. However, if you're a bold right-stick switcher, then maybe try out no move assistance for even more control.
- Clearance Assistance: Directional
- This gives you far more control over the direction of your defensive hoof-balls, which can go a long way in preventing any pesky EA shenanigans in added time.
- Player Lock: On
- This setting has such an unobtrusive controller input that there's really no downside to having it on. Therefore, if you do ever want to use it, it's right there ready.
- Icon Switching: On
- This new setting allows you to press R3 and select between four different players to switch to. Much like player lock, it's rather unobtrusive, but if you're prone to accidentally pressing the right analogue stick, then it might be best to leave this off.
- Right Stick Switching: Classic
- While the new adaptive option might seem attractive to begin with, it is actually causing rather significant performance issues for players that have it enabled, especially on the stuttering side of things. So, for the time being until this is fixed, make sure to leave it on classic.
- Right Stick Switching Reference: Ball Relative
- This is probably the most contentious of all the settings, as it is entirely down to personal preference. We personally prefer ball relative, as when defending it makes more sense to be focussed on the ball, but this is entirely up to you. Try both out and see which one works for you, as it is vital to learn right-stick switching if you want to improve.
- Ground Pass Assistance: Assisted
- At this current point in time, the passing does seem quite accurate in FIFA 23, and with how vital possession and passing is, you want it to be as reliable as possible. If you find that your passes are going in the wrong places though, or you want to try out riskier avenues, then give semi a go.
- Shot Assistance: Assisted
- Once again, it's probably more hassle than it's worth putting your shooting to semi, unless you're extremely confident in your accuracy.
- Cross Assistance: Semi
- While crossing is a lot better in FIFA 23 than it has been in the past few years, it is still good to have a bit more control, especially when it comes to power and positioning.
- Lob Pass Assistance: Assisted
- It is best to just let the game take control with this one, and we have personally not experienced any issues with direction or power so far in FIFA 23.
- Lobbed Through Pass: Semi
- With the lobbed through pass, it is a much better idea to set it to semi, as you're going to want a bit more control for placement, especially in the longer-range scenarios.
- Save Assistance: Assisted
- If you're just playing the regular modes, this will have absolutely no affect on you, so no need to tinker with it.
- Analog Sprint: On
- This setting allows you to control your sprint speed by altering how much you're pressing R2/RT. This can be very helpful for tight turns when dribbling, or maintaining a defensive line or jockey.
- Pass Receiver Lock: Late
- Unless you're noticing it messing up your gameplay, there's no reason to change this from late, as it will allow you to quickly switch the direction of your pass if the initial lane gets shut down, or another more enticing run pops up.
So, that's a full list of the FIFA 23 best camera settings, giving you a good foundation that should hopefully improve your FIFA gameplay experience. If you're wanting to find out about the new FIFA 23 AcceleRATE system though, make sure to check out our guide for all the details.