All Fallout 76 Nuka Cola Orange locations & where to find them

Fallout 76 has a wide range of Nuka Cola variants. Among them, the Nuka Cola Orange is one of the rarest ones to find in the post-nuclear Appalachia, as the game doesn't tell you its location, let alone make it easily accessible.
So, whether you are looking for Nuka Cola Orange to complete a challenge, sell it in your Vending Machine or display it in a case to beautify your base, you must know where to find Nuka Cola Orange in Fallout 76.
Based on my thousands of hours in the game, I have shared details of every location where you can get the Nuka Cola Orange in Fallout 76.
Where to find Nuka Cola Orange

In Fallout 76, you can find Nuka Cola Orange inside the basement of the ETA PSI House in Morgantown. Its appearance is subject to RNG, and to increase your chances, you may need to server hop.
That said, while the ETA PSI House is a great location to obtain the Nuka Cola Orange for free, you can buy it from Bubbles, the Mr. Handy Vendor inside the Whitesprings Resort.

Firstly, teleport to the Whitespring Resort and select the "Whitespring Refuge" option to save some time. Once inside, take the stairs on the right side and follow the path on the right until you reach the room with Sophie Wagoner.

Facing opposite Sophie Wagoner, you will find the room with Bubbles. Head there and select the 'Trade' option to open the shop menu where you can buy the Nuka Cola Orange.

You can also buy the Nuka Cola Orange from the Nuka Cola Vending Machine at the Nuka-World On Tour POI in the Ash Heap.
In addition, other players, including me, sell the different Nuka Cola variations in the Vending Machine. So make sure to visit other players' camps and check what they are selling.
Lastly, you can also find a Nuka Cola Orange inside the Scavenger's tent east of the Middle Mountain Pitstop. However, I recommend buying the Nuka Cola Orange from Bubbles and the Nuka Cola Vending machine, and if you need more, you can server-hop and get more.
That concludes our guide on Fallout 76 Nuka Cola Orange locations. While you are here, make sure to check out our other guides, such as the best locations for your C.A.M.P. and all Yao Guai spawn locations.