All Fortnite Oasis Pool locations & what they do

- Oasis Pools heal small amounts of HP and Shield when you swim in them
- There are five of them dotted around the southern desert biome
Oasis Pools are brand new additions for Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3, providing some much-needed healing to both your shields and health if you decide to take a dip.
These Oasis Pools aren’t just beneficial to gameplay, but also contribute to some of the Weekly Challenges you can complete in the game, which will net you some additional Battle Pass XP if you find them.
Below, I’ve listed all of the Oasis Pool locations in Fortnite, as well as some more information about what they do.
All Oasis Pool locations and how to find them
There are five Oasis Pools to find in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3, with all of them located within the desert biome to the south. I’ve marked them all on the map below:

- East of Nitrodome
- North East of Brawler’s Battleground
- North West of Redline Rig
- South East of Redline Rig
- South West of Nitrodome
What do Oasis Pools do?
Oasis Pools are bright blue pools of water that have healing properties when you take a swim in them. If you’ve taken damage to either your shields or health, swimming in the Oasis Pools will heal you by 1 HP per tick. It’s important to note that these pools don’t heal both Shields and Health simultaneously. You’ll need to wait for your health to reach 100 before the pool starts topping up your shield.
Since the Oasis Pools are quite slow in their healing, they’re not worth hunting out just to top up. You’re much better off hunting out specific healing items to keep yourself alive. However, if you do happen to come across one while in need of some aid, it can’t hurt to take a dip and save those all-important items for later.
What’s more a Week 2 challenge asks players to recover 150 health or shields in an Oasis Pool. As such, you’ll need to sit in one for at least 150 seconds to complete this challenge, which will net you 15K XP.
That’s everything you need to know about Oasis Pools in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3. For more helpful Fortnite guides, keep reading GGRecon. We’ve also covered how to find and defeat Megalo Don, all the Fortnite Wastelander Challenges, and how to get the Magneto Skin.