MW2 player gets longest range revive pistol shot ever in DMZ

Countless highlight reel clips are created in Call of Duty: Wodern Warfare 2 & Warzone 2 every day, but they usually involve a player using a typical weapon.
It's not very often you see someone land an unbelievable shot with the revive pistol, as it's such a situational Field Upgrade.
Well, a talented DMZ player has done exactly that, possibly pulling off the longest-ever revive pistol shot in the history of Call of Duty. In terms of viral clips in games, this one is pretty impressive that would put the likes of Nick "NICKMERCS" Kolcheff to shame.
Longest ever revive pistol shot landed in MW2 DMZ
This revive pistol shot is insane
by u/Reddit_is_for_QTs in CODWarzone
Taking to the CODWarzone subreddit, user Reddit_is_for_QTs showcased an unbelievable shot with the revive pistol. While playing DMZ and exfilling from the map, they noticed one of their teammates had been downed halfway across the map.
Instead of leaving them for certain death, the talented sharpshooter pulled out their revive pistol and landed an 'insane' long shot from an unbelievable distance.
As the revive pistol has no optic, the player had to account for bullet drop and ensure their aim was perfectly accurate. It's a one-in-a-million shot that even someone like John Wick would struggle to pull off.
DMZ players impressed by 'insane' revive pistol shot

It's safe to say the community in the thread were impressed with the shot, with one user asking, "How? I swear it shoots like 30 meters whenever I shoot it." Another even joked that "Legolas has entered the chat," praising the player for their incredible accuracy.
A third concluded, "Revive pistol and drill charges were legit fantastic additions to this game lol I do think the pistol is maybe even underused a bit." While it's possible there's been another longer-range revive shot in the history of MW2, WZ2, and DMZ, it's extremely unlikely.
This is certainly a trickshot that they'll remember and will likely never be beaten when it comes to distance.