MW2 DMZ devs confirm another reset is coming soon

Just like the last major update, Season 4 of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 will bring significant changes to Call of Duty's extraction DMZ mode.
While the previous set of additions included the Barter system, workbenches, and Operator slots, Infinity Ward has announced how it's going to introduce the game's second full reset this time around.
With the last DMZ reset being implemented back in Season 2, this decision has already divided the mode's fanbase, with some claiming they do not want another reset, let alone so soon.
MW2's DMZ will be fully reset in Season 4
Taking to Twitter on May 31, Infinity Ward announced that the Season 4 update will include "a refresh and reset like that of Season 02 in order to make room for new Mission sets and the new Upgrade."
Not only that, the team made it clear that "Faction Mission progress will be reset" and "Contraband, key, and mission inventories will be emptied."
The most controversial decision comes from Infinity Ward's choice to reset insured weapon slots with the Season 4 update. Although the developer clarified that "Earned rewards such as Blueprints, Skins, and Calling Cards will not be affected," the news has frustrated a lot of the DMZ community.
MW2 fans divided over decision to reset DMZ in Season 4

A set of angry DMZ fans responded to the tweet, with one user arguing, "Why are you resetting things... What are you aiming to achieve/how does it make the game better for the people who have pumped billions into playing this game? I hated the reset the first time, there’s no excuse."
Another claimed, "No way I am grinding for the weapon slots unlock again," while one player even went as far as to say that they'll 'stop playing' if this reset goes ahead.
Overall, the announcement has received mostly negative feedback from the community, but what do you expect? We saw similar scenes when DMZ got its first reset back in Season 2.
We'll have to wait and see whether Infinity Ward decides to change its mind on the reset, but with Season 4 just around the corner, it seems unlikely.