Destiny 2 Legend Lost Sector weekly rotation & exotic loot for this week (June 18)

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Last updated
17th Jun 2024 15:35
Destiny 2 has players delve into Lost Sectors solo on Legend or Master difficulty each week, all in return for the promise of new exotic armour pieces. And, with The Final Shape arriving, things have been given a bit of a shakeup.
For one, exotics are no longer guaranteed, but you can earn Engrams which you can then turn in at the Cryptarch. For another, we get Lost Sectors from the Pale Heart added to the rotation, too.
Lost Sector weekly rotation & rewards (June 18, 2024)
Here are the upcoming Lost Sector rotations for this week:
Lost Sector | Date |
The Conflux (Nessus) | 18 June |
Thrilladrome (Neomuna) | 19 June |
Hydroponics Delta (Neomuna) | 20 June |
Veles Labyrinth (Cosmodrome) | 21 June |
Expdis Garden 2A (Cosmodrome) | 22 June |
The Broken Deep (The Pale Heart) | 23 June |
The Blooming Deep (The Pale Heart) | 24 June |
How to find the daily Lost Sector
Every open-world space in Destiny 2 has several Lost Sectors dotted around them. Featuring a double arch symbol with a dot in the middle (pictured below), this can be found throughout the map to indicate their locations.

Use the symbol on the map to find the location, then look for the symbol on a wall that indicates the entrance to the Lost Sector.
What are Lost Sectors in Destiny 2?
Destiny 2 Lost Sectors function like short little dungeon areas. They occasionally have some extra mechanics but for the most part, they just involve fighting through a large group of enemies and defeating a boss at the end.
Defeating the boss unlocks a chest, where you can grab your reward. Regular completions don't award you with much beyond the early game, but completing Lost Sectors on Legend or Master difficulty can award you exotic engrams.
Now that you know Destiny 2's Legend and Master Lost Sector rotation guide for this week, for more on the game, check out our Destiny homepage where we have regularly updated guides for Xur, Trials of Osiris, and the weekly reset.