Elden Ring Fire Giant Boss Fight: How To Defeat The Fire Giant

The Elden Ring Fire Giant boss is the largest enemy in the game, making for an epic fight against a boss with tonnes of HP and a large attack radius. Elden Ring has a litany of boss fights, ranging from enemies that are close to your height, all the way to ones that tower above you. Don't let height scare you off though, as they can still be dealt with like any opponent in the game. So, if you need some help to get through the Elden Ring Fire Giant boss, we've got you covered.
- Take a look at all of the Elden Ring Golden Seed locations so you can get the most amount of HP and mana flasks possible.
Elden Ring Fire Giant Boss Fight: Where Is The Fire Giant?

The Fire Giant is a main story boss, so you will eventually fight him if you intend to finish the game, though he comes closer to the end. He's located in the Mountaintops of the Giants region, guarding the Forge of the Giants, which is where you need to go to set the Erdtree aflame.
- The Elden Ring Bloodhound Step skill is very useful for this fight, allowing you to dodge through the moveset and keep dealing damage.
Elden Ring Fire Giant Boss Fight: Phase One

For the Fire Giant boss, the Elden Ring Black Knife Tiche is a good choice of summon due to its high damage and mobility, which will let it dodge the majority of the attacks. Spells that inflict effects like poison or scarlet rot are a solid choice too as the Fire Giant stays still for large portions of time, and bleed builds will let you deal high burst damage when the bleed bar maxes out. You'll also need to focus on his left leg, which is wrapped in rope and can be destroyed after enough damage, revealing his weak point.
For the start of the fight, use Torrent to get closer to the Fire Giant and dismount as he goes for his first Avalanche attack. You'll easily see this coming as the giant places the huge plate he carries into the ground, before launching a tonne of snow at you. If you dismount at the correct time, the immunity frames will allow you to avoid damage. Once you get close enough to him, stay off your horse as you won't be able to consistently dodge the attacks he makes.
Another attack to look out for is Jump-smash, where the giant will jump into the air and then smash his plate down onto the ground. Time your dodge just as the Fire Giant slams down the plate, and you will avoid the damage. One to look out for when you're stood in front of him is the Plate Swing, which is a standard arc attack with the plate, though he will sometimes follow up with a second. Just dodge into the plate as he swings it to stay safe from damage.
While you're below the Fire Giant and attacking his legs, he will sometimes go for a stomp move. It doesn't deal much damage but will knock you down if it lands, and set you up for a follow-up attack. This is simple to dodge though, as you just need to roll away as the stomp connects with the ground.
There are also two attacks he will pull out after losing 25% HP during the first phase. With the Fire Blast move, he will launch a fire projectile at you which can be dodged just as it gets close, but staying near his legs will allow you to avoid it. Flame of the Fell God is a more powerful version where he will spawn a slow moving orb that tracks you. When it gets close it will explode and leave a field of fire behind, so the damage potential is enough to one-shot many players. The best way to deal with this is by baiting out the explosion of the orb and rolling away just as it explodes to stay out of the fire.
As long as you are dealing constant damage to the giant's left leg in this phase, you should be fine, and after the rope is broken he will stay still for a small period so you can get in free damage. Dodging the moves also isn't too much trouble because of how slow many of them are.
- The extremely overpowered Elden Ring Rivers of Blood can be earned just before this boss fight, letting you deal massive bleed damage.
Elden Ring Fire Giant Boss Fight: Phase Two

In the second phase, the Fire Giant's left leg will snap and he will no longer be able to walk around, causing him to be more immobile, though he will have a new ability to roll around and reposition. The second this phase kicks off he will use the Volcano ability and begin to spew volcanic rock out of the mouth on his torso. Your best bet is to run away and as the ability ends, make your way back toward him.
The main ability to watch out for is Burning Field, where the giant will roar and ignite his hands while slamming them down and causing fire to engulf the surrounding area. This ability will damage you anywhere near the vicinity of the Fire Giant, so back away until it's finished.
When the giant repositions he will roll across the battlefield. This means you need to stay behind him when he is lay on his side or the roll will be right on top of you, but once he rolls, get back on Torrent quickly to get toward him and keep dealing damage. Swipe is another simple move to deal with where he will swipe either his left or right arm directly in front of him, so just dodge into the arm as it comes to hit you.
Fire Blast and Flame of the Fell God also become stronger during this phase, as he will launch two fire projectiles in both cases. The way of dealing with it is the same, but you'll have to be more consistent with your dodging to stay damage-free.
During this phase, the weak spot of the Fire Giant moves to his left arm, but you are more likely to take damage from here due to his moveset. The best bet is to stay behind him and when he rolls away, close the distance and carry on. If you stagger him, you can perform a critical hit in his eye, but he doesn't stay in this state very long, making it risky if you aren't already at his front.
That's all for our walkthrough of the Elden Ring Fire Giant boss, and now you know his moveset and the best way to deal with him so you can carry on through the story of the game.
Check out the full Elden Ring achievement list to see how you can 100% complete the game.