Here’s the best Hero Build in Elden Ring including Talismans, Weapons & more

If you're going to tame the Lands Between of Elden Ring with a burly Hero class, we're here to provide you with some handy tips so that you can come up with the best build in the game - from the Talismans you equip to the weapons you use to defeat bosses like Radahn.
With a high Strength stat, the Hero is easily one of the most powerful classes and can wield some of the heftiest weapons Elden Ring has to offer, so having a build around that will undoubtedly come in handy.
Starting and Levelling the Hero in Elden Ring

The Hero class has the following stats when starting in the game:
- Level: 7
- Vigor: 14
- Mind: 9
- Endurance: 12
- Strength: 16
- Dexterity: 9
- Intelligence: 7
- Faith: 8
- Arcane: 11
With the Hero class, you'll get a solid head start on your Strength skill which is essential for the types of weapons you'll be using. Your Vigor and Endurance also start fairly high, with Arcane next - although we won't be using the latter stat in our build. The Hero build also starts with a Battle Axe, which is a powerful weapon for the first few hours.
Our Elden Ring Hero build is designed around using large two-handed weapons like halberds or great axes, along with heavy armour to give you the most resistance possible against physical damage. You'll be able to gain a better weapon and armour set relatively quickly into the game.
The Hero class has a very easy path for levelling up, as you'll just need to focus on your Strength, Vigor, and Endurance as the main stats. This will ensure you'll have the equip load necessary for the heavy armour and weapons you use, along with enough health and stamina to ensure you can last while taking it to enemies up close. Faith is another decent choice to level up slightly, as some quality weapons require it.
Best Hero Weapons in Elden Ring
- Dragon Greatclaw
- Dragon Halberd
- Golden Halberd
For the weapons of our Hero build, two halberds can be earned within your first dozen hours of play. The Dragon Halberd is a standard choice due to its high physical damage, reach, and ease of acquisition.
You'll need to reach 22 Strength and get to the Siofra River area, which is underneath Limgrave. It can be earned by killing the Dragonkin Soldier boss and also has a strong skill called Spinning Slash. Despite how early this can be earned, it's a good enough weapon to last the majority of the game, especially once it's been upgraded.
Your other early choice of weapon is the Golden Halberd, which is earned from beating the Elden Ring Tree Sentinel boss which you'll come across just as you enter the open world. To begin with, you likely won't be able to beat this boss, so gain some levels first. You'll also need 30 Strength and 12 Faith before it can be equipped, so you may want to aim for getting Dragon Halberd first.

A later-game weapon choice that is powerful, is the Dragon Greatclaw. This is considered a colossal weapon and requires 30 Strength to wield. You can earn it for beating the Draconic Tree Sentinel at the Capital Outskirts. It also has lightning damage that makes it extra strong against enemy types that are weak to this status effect.
Best Hero Armour in Elden Ring
- Banished Knight Set
- Bull-Goat Set
- Crucible Axe Set
- Hoslow's Set
Several choice armour sets will take you well through the game, but they'll have to wait until slightly later. For the beginning, the Banished Knight set is a strong choice of armour that can be easily farmed from Stormveil Castle, which is the first legacy dungeon you'll encounter. Search the castle for the Banished Knights themselves, and kill them until you get the full set.
The better choices are mostly dependent on doing specific quests. The Bull Goat armour set requires you to follow the Patches quest until he moves to Volcano Manor, where you will be asked to kill a Great Horned Tragoth, rewarding you with the armour. Hoslow's Set can be earned by following the Volcano Manor quest, once you perform your last contract kill in the Mountaintops of the Giants.

Your third choice is the Crucible Axe set, which is rewarded after defeating Crucible Knight Ordovis, who can be found at the end of the Auriza Hero's Grave. While many of these choices are great for this Hero build, the Bull Goat armour will give you the most protection, making it the best for the in-your-face playstyle of this class.
Best Hero Talismans in Elden Ring
- Carian Filigreed Crest
- Great Jar's Arsenal
- Shard of Alexander
There are a few choice talismans that will help to make your build even more powerful. We've focussed on the ones that improve your skills too, allowing you to throw more out and deal more damage, while not having to level up the Mind stat too much.
The Carian Filigreed Crest is a relatively early talisman that can be purchased from Iji after finishing the Elden Ring Blaidd quest and talking to him outside the Caria Manor. This will reduce the FP cost of all skills, letting throw more damage out before needing a flask.
One of the best talismans to pair with this is the Shard of Alexander, which boosts the attack power of skills by a whopping 15%. It will take a while to get this though, as you need to finish the Iron Fist Alexander quest beforehand.

If you’re struggling with your equipment load at the beginning, any version of the Arsenal charm will allow you to raise it. One of these can be earned by talking to Nepheli Loux in Stormveil and then meeting her at the Roundtable Hold.
If the Hero class isn't for you, don't worry, as there are plenty of other Elden Ring classes to choose from, like:
That's everything you need to get a great Hero build made in Elden Ring. If you're on the lookout for even more guides and news coverage, be sure to check out our Elden Ring homepage where you can find out everything you need to about Shadow of the Erdtree, as well as all the legacy dungeons you can explore in the game.