The best Director of Football to hire in FM24

Finding the best Director of Football to hire in FM24 will go a long way in helping you side with recruitment and highlighting the right kinds of players to sign.
You don’t need to have a Director of Football in the game if you don’t want to, but it can be a big time saver when searching for players. For this reason, we've highlighted some of the very best Directors of Football you can hire in Football Manager 2024, as well as what they actually do in-game.
The best people to hire as Director of Football

The suggestions in the table below are the best options to hire for Director of Football, ranked from youngest to oldest:
Name | Club | Age |
Alvaro Ladron de Guevara | Real Betis (Real Hispalis) | 34 |
Stuart Webber | Norwich | 39 |
Ross Wilson | Nottingham Forest | 40 |
Matt Crocker | Free Agent | 48 |
Ramon Tejada | Huesca | 49 |
Emilio De Dios | Sevilla | 51 |
Leanardo | Free Agent | 53 |
Guillermo Amor | Free Agent | 55 |
Ramon Planes | Real Betis (Real Hispalis) | 55 |
Jon Rudkin | Leicester | 59 |
Despite some great options for people in their 70s, the lack of longevity automatically makes them awkward for a save - before you know it, they will be retiring so we have decided to exclude anyone too old.
What does a Director of Football do?

In Football Manager, the Director of Football will take some of the pressure off of you as the manager. It means you can focus more on tactics and how you want to utilise your personnel.
The Director of Football will help with recruitment, suggest players to sign and highlight which areas of your team need more depth.
That’s all you need to know about the best hires you can make for Director of Football in FM24. We have also covered the very best tactics you can deploy in the game and for everything else, here's our Football Manager homepage.