Pokemon fans declare their favourite game

It's true that Pokemon has been a franchise that has hung around in gaming for as long as many can remember, and it's for a pretty good reason.
The series has evolved from a turn-based pocket series that made the best of its platform to a truly expansive and exciting series. It's allowing players to make friends with weird electric mice and pit them against each other in vicious dog fights until one of them passes out. It's nicer than it sounds, we promise.
Since the series has undergone a lot of change - and each step in the franchise's history has served as an induction to Pokemon for hundreds of thousands - fans are debating which series was the best. And some of them reckon they have a definitive answer.
Reddit users debate Pokemon Gen 2
Taking to the Gaming subreddit, one Pokefan has sparked debate about which generation of Pokemon was the definitive "best." The post has a local legion of trainers sharing their love for the second generation of titles that came to life in Pokemon Gold and Silver.
Sharing a meme of a screenshot of the games, user eru777 claims "Pokemon gen 1-2 were the pinnacle of the franchise." It's a pretty blunt post, and it's obviously charged by a belligerent defence of the game that introduced the player to the series.
Still, that hasn't stopped players from getting involved in the comments sharing their love for the 1999 classics that introduced us to Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile.
There is plenty to love about the second generation of Pokemon, and it's not just because of the introduction of the iconic Lugia and Ho-Oh. With the ability to hold items, breeding, and shiny Pokemon, fans have been quick to point out how special a time it was.
Fans gush over Gold and Silver

"I agree, gen 2 was best in series by faar," adds one comment in the replies of the original post. "Totally deserves proper 3D remake treatment." We might have Heart Gold and Soul Silver, but maybe Pokemon pulled the trigger on a remake too soon, as a new 3D remake is sadly unlikely right now.
"I'm still here hoping for a Let's Go Johto after the Gen 5 remakes," adds another comment, while someone concluded, "Unlocking Kanto in Silver/Gold as a child without knowing it was there was MIND F*****G BLOWING."
Despite the love for Gen 2, they're actually (unsurprisingly) outsold by the OG's Red and Blue. Still, it's clear that the love for Johto is still rife, and that players are still desperate to go back. Game Freak, pull your fingers out, you've got work to do.