How to kill harpies in Dragon's Dogma 2

Harpies are back in Dragon’s Dogma 2, and they’re more annoying than ever. These flying pests can quickly put your entire party to sleep and are hard to kill for melee vocations.
While they're low-level enemies you’ll find very early and are not all that powerful, they make up for it by employing some dastardly tactics. They’ll often ambush you, crashing down from the skies when you least expect it. This is enough to catch you off guard and make you take a beat to compose yourself and your Pawns.
Fortunately, the game gives you several ways to take them down with ease - so here are some tips to add to your arsenal.
How to beat harpies
To beat harpies, you either need to be able to shoot them while they’re flying, or bring them to the ground. There are a few tactics you can employ here. For mages and archers, just shoot them, easy peasy, no real strategy needed; just dodge their song and shoot.
This is because harpies cast a wide-range ability that puts you and your Pawns to sleep. Luckily, your Pawns can just shake you awake, but if everyone takes a nap, you’ll all be vulnerable for a while. To avoid bedtime, just run out of the glowing area of effect of their siren song.

Finally, harpies can pick you and your allies up and fly off with you. This is an especially deadly move a lot of the larger flying beasts do, too, so watch out.
For the melee vocations like thief and fighter, you’ll need to be more cunning to avoid these attacks. Thieves get access to a skill called ensnare. This allows you to drag smaller enemies toward you and trip up off-balance large foes.
For harpies, this is perfect for bringing them to the ground so you can get some attacks in. For fighters, you want to use the airward slash skill. This does what you’d expect, and sends you flying into the skies to strike airborne foes.
If you don’t feel like using these specific skills on your Arisen, your next best bet is to just ensure you bring along some Pawns who can do ranged damage, such as magick archers and sorcerers. These Pawns can then bring down enemies for you to pummel once they land.
You can also use single-use spell tomes or throw rocks and exploding barrels at flying foes, or climb to higher ground and leap off to attack them as you fall. Who dares wins, after all.
Once you've dealt with all the pesky harpies, learn how to properly tell the time or check out how to get Salubrious Draught or the best Thief build over on our Dragon's Dogma 2 homepage.