Horizon Forbidden West Enemies List: All 40+ Machines

The Horizon Forbidden West enemies list has been mostly revealed, and we have them here. Horizon Forbidden West is expanding the roster of machines that players will encounter to more than 40 bots, and we've gone over every machine seen so far then broken them down into old and new. Here is the Horizon Zero Dawn enemies list with all 40+ machines.
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Horizon Forbidden West Enemies List: Returning Machines
Here are all the machines that appeared in Horizon Zero Dawn and also appear in the Horizon Forbidden West.

The Behemoth is a Transport class machine, and a giant one at that. When provoked, it attacks with its anti-gravity collection technology. Freeze and Shock arrows are effective against it.
Fire Bellowback

Fire Bellowbacks are dinosaur-like transport machines that can attack with their huge flamethrowers. It has a twin machine in the Freeze Bellowback. Destroying the tanks on its back can cause explosions and prevent it from using fire attacks.
Freeze Bellowback

The other twin of the Fire Bellowback is the Freeze Bellowback. Practically the same machine, but with ice abilities instead of fire. Break its tanks to cause an icy explosion that will damage the Bellowback and any nearby creatures or machines. Once the tanks are broken, it loses all freeze attacks.

The Charger is a common machine out in the wild. Its purpose is gathering resources, and it can easily be taken over and used as a rideable mount.

The Fireclaw is one of two bear-based machines. They are extremely tough and deadly, as their purpose is to hunt and kill humans. This version has fire attacks, so its weakness is ice damage.

The Frostclaw is the icy variant of the Fireclaw. It is just as deadly, but with the elements reversed. The Frostjaw will come at you with freeze damage, so it is best to use fire attacks against it.

Glinthawks are gatherers by design. Like Scrappers, they are scavengers that pick apart the remains of destroyed machines. they are still very deadly, so be cautious of their icy projectiles.

Grazers are some of the most common machines you will see in the world. They are acquisition class machines, that gather grass for making Blaze. They are based on deer, and are similarly skittish. They will only attack if the player is too close, otherwise they will run and call for help.

The Longleg is a large, flightless bird machine. It is a recon class machine, meaning it will scan for enemies and call in other machines if it finds a threat.

The Ravager is a deadly combat unit, similar to the Sawtooth. It has a cannon on its back that fires powerful laser attacks. To take one down it is best to strip parts off of it, starting with the cannon.

The Rockbreaker is a mostly subterranean machine. It tunnels underground to collect minerals and other resources. When one attacks, it can strike from underground and ambush opponents. It is best to keep moving when dealing with a Rockbreaker, and use ice attacks to weaken it.

the Sawtooth is a combat class machine, based on a large cat as the name implies. they are usually deployed as guards for herds of Grazers and other gathering machines. They are fast and deadly, so best to be avoided.

The Scorcher is one of the most deadly attack machines you will encounter. It is a much stronger and faster version of the Ravager, it has fire-augmented attacks and a mine launcher on its back. If you do come across a Scorcher, be sure to hit it with Freeze arrows to do as much damage as possible.

The Scrapper is a small acquisition class machine. As the name implies, its primary function is collecting scrap metal from destroyed machines. Should a Scrapper encounter a human, it will run to investigate and attack them with the laser it uses for cutting metal.

Shell-Walkers are transport machines. It resembles a giant crab, with a huge pod on its back. It uses that pod to carry resources gathered by other machines. Shell-Walkers move quite slowly but will charge if they encounter a human. They have lightning guns and shields, and will attack with their large claws at close range.

The Snapmaw is a large aquatic machine based on a crocodile. Originally designed to purify water in rivers and lakes, the Snapmaw is a dangerous machine as anything based on a crocodile would be. they can seem docile but will become aggressive very quickly. The best bet is to destroy its Freeze Sac to freeze the machine and stop its projectile attacks.

The Stalker is a combat class machine, but unlike other combat machines, the Stalker is not openly aggressive. Instead, the Stalker is stealthy and waits to ambush its prey. They are mostly found in areas where they can easily hide, such as jungles. Shock attacks are their weakness, they are vulnerable to being stunned by shock damage.

The Stormbird is a combat class machine, and an aerial one at that. They are giant bird-like machines who patrol areas looking for humans. They have many attacks, so it is wise to focus on destroying their means of attack. Deal damage to the wings to prevent it from dropping bombs, and to its lightning gun to stop it from using that.

Striders are horse-like machines. They are gatherers that are usually found in herds. They don't pose much of a threat alone and are widely available to become tamed mounts.

Tallnecks are unique among machines. They appear like giant giraffes, with a large disc on their heads. They are completely docile, and will not attack humans. In the game, they exist to be climbed as from the top Aloy can override them and get a map of the local area.

The Thunderjaw is maybe the most fearsome of all the machines. They are combat class machines, among the biggest and most powerful of that class. Worse still, Thunderjaws are exceptionally capable of tracking nearby humans. They have a radar scanner that can detect humans hiding in the grass.
When engaging, you will want some solid cover from the Thunderjaw's many ranged attacks. Breaking off its disc launchers will allow the player to use those weapons against the Thunderjaw for huge damage.

Watchers are the smallest machines, that exist purely for reconnaissance. They are often found patrolling around herds of machines, watching and scanning for humans. If a Watcher finds a threat, it will alert the herd who will flee. They will also call any nearby combat machines and alert them to the human's presence. Even without a larger machine, Watchers will swarm and attack humans.
Horizon Forbidden West Enemies List: New Machines
Here are all the new machines in Horizon Forbidden West that we know about so far.

Bristlebacks are gatherers that travel in herds. They use their large tusks to dig, and to attack when threatened. They can also use materials they have dug up as projectile attacks.

The Burrower is a recon machine based on an otter or a meerkat. They are small and fast recon machines that can traverse water and land. They can find and attack Aloy underwater.

The Clamberjaw is an ape-like machine, similar to a baboon. They are scavengers, when encountered they are very agile and attack in groups.

The Clawstrider resembles a medium-sized bipedal dinosaur. they move in packs and are known to attack human settlements. They are very fast and deadly with huge claws on their hands and feet. Seemingly, they can be tamed and ridden.

Not much is known about the Grimhorn, other than that it appears to be a large machine with huge, bull-like horns. It is most likely a combat class machine, and likely charges at humans with its horns.

The Rollerback is a new transport class machine. They seem similar to the pangolin, and curl up in a ball to roll around. Those protective plates on its back can be used as projectiles, which are magnetically recalled.

Shellsnappers are combat class machines that resemble gigantic snapping turtles. They seem to spend a lot of time dormant, as they are covered in moss and trees. They protect swampy areas of the Forbidden West.

The Slitherfang is a massive combat machine based on a cobra. It moves as a giant snake would, and can fire acid attacks at its enemies. It becomes even more deadly when it coils up, as it gains more attacks in this stance. It has sections that be shot off and used as weapons against it.

Sunwings are acquisition machines new to Horizon Forbidden West. They fly on wings made of solar panelling and resemble pterosaurs in design.

The Tideripper is another new aquatic machine in the game. They appear in large bodies of water but can come on to land. Their main purpose is gathering materials from the sea floor, but it will attack when provoked.

The Tremortusk is a huge combat class machine that resembles a mammoth. Tremortusks are heavily armoured and also have several weapons, including side cannons and a flame-throwing trunk. They can be found in the wild, and also being used like war elephants.
Those are all the machines we have seen in Horizon Forbidden West. For a more in-depth look at one of the new machines, check out this story on how the Horizon Forbidden West Slitherfang can spit venom and deafen Aloy.