Dragon's Dogma 2 patch will nerf Dragonsplague

In Dragon's Dogma 2, danger lurks around every corner and there are always enemies nearby that you need to be aware of.
Unfortunately, not every threat is visible in the land of Vermund and Battahl, with the Dragonsplague having the potential to completely ruin a save if you're not careful.
Dragonsplague is an affliction that can infect your pawns, and while it causes them to become more powerful in the short term, it results in guaranteed death and destruction in the long run.
Well, the disease is being nerfed next patch after Capcom realised it may be a little too difficult to detect and deal with.
Dragon's Dogma 2 update will make Dragonsplague more "noticeable"
Taking to X on April 19, Dragon's Dogma shared the adjustments being added to the game in the next significant patch.
Out of all the changes, the standout is the Dragonsplague alterations, which are going to make the infection less frequent as a whole.
This means you're even less likely to run into the disease during your playthrough, so there's no need to be constantly checking your pawns. If you were to run into Dragonsplague, Capcom has also made the symptoms a lot more "noticeable" by altering the glowing red eyes.

Currently, players don't realise that they have a Dragonsplague pawn and are not picking up on the signs, leading to major consequences.
At the very least, you should be able to spot the problem early and deal with it in the way you see fit this way. Typically, this involves chucking your pawn off a cliff before it can spread.
Not everybody is pleased with the changes, though, claiming the devs have catered to casuals who want Dragon's Dogma to be too easy. However, Capcom clearly heard the complaints and has agreed that Dragonsplague is a little more annoying than fun.