Where to find Coastal Columns in Fortnite

As part of the Avatar quests to unlock Aang in Fortnite, you'll need to visit Mount Olympus and Coastal Columns. Mount Olympus is very easy to find, and arguably hard to miss being this season's major landmark, however, Coastal Columns isn’t quite as noticeable, especially as it's not a named location on the map.
Fortunately, I’ve found Coastal Columns for you so you can get to this location with ease and get one step closer to the next tier on the game's Aang mini-battle pass.
Where to find Coastal Columns

Coastal Columns is directly west of Pleasant Piazza. Here you'll find some columns, a fountain and a statue of Poseidon. On top of that, there should be a decent amount of loot here if you’re deciding to drop here, although it wouldn’t be enough for any more than a duo.
I’ve marked the exact location with a white circle on the map above, but once you’re close it's pretty easy to spot.
How to find Mount Olympus

When jumping into the game for the first time, new locations are not on the map, they only appear once you've been there once. So I've also highlighted where Mount Olympus is in the image above, just in case it's your first time playing the game - or you're coming back after an extended break.
The other good news with this challenge is you don't need to visit them both in the same match, which is handy because they couldn't be further apart.
That’s all you need to know about finding the Coastal Columns. If you’re looking for more guides check out our Fortnite homepage, where we’ve covered where to find the cabbage cart, the best weapons in the game, how to unlock Korra and more.