How to get to Dragonsbreath Tower in Dragon’s Dogma 2

As you progress through Dragon’s Dogma 2’s main story, you'll eventually be able to go to Dragonsbreath Tower. There are a few reasons why you'd go here, but you won’t be forced by the game at any point as there are no main quests or side quests that require you to do so.
The main reason you'll want to visit this tower is because it’s where you can find Sigurd, the NPC who teaches you the Mystic Spearhand vocation. There’s a chance you met him in Melve earlier in the game, but you'll still need to find him again as he offers the Maister Teachings.
How to find Dragonsbreath Tower

To access the Dragonsbreath Tower you’ll first need to have entered Battahl, going through the border gate after exploring the opening area of Vermund.
To access the location, you'll need to follow the path West from Bakbattahl, following the road as it goes South. Keep following until you come to a fork in the road where you will go right.
This road will continue round towards the Tower, where you'll pass a bridge to come to another fork. Once again, go right. Just before reaching it, there will be a campfire, and I'd recommend resting for what’s next so your party has full health - you probably took some damage on the way as the road is littered with enemies.
You’ll know when you arrive at the top of the steps, I won’t spoil what you’ll see, but good luck!
That’s all you need to know about finding the Tower. For more guides, check out our Dragon’s Dogma 2 homepage, where we’ve already covered the different Smithing Styles and the location of the Sphinx and all her riddle answers.