Apex Legends Inner Beast Collection Event release date, The Hunt & Octane Heirloom recolour

Apex Legends' Inner Beast Collection Event has been announced by Respawn and while it's not the biggest event, it's got some exciting features. Whether it's The Hunt Takeover for Battle Royale, Octane's Heirloom recolour, free rewards, or the countless new cosmetics, this patch is looking to knock it out of the park
To make sure you're fully up to date on everything new coming to the game, here's a breakdown of all the Inner Beast Collection Event features and when it starts.
Apex Legends Inner Beast Collection Event release date
The Inner Beast Collection Event will begin in Apex Legends on March 5, 2024, and last until March 19, 2024.
This gives you plenty of time to dive into all the fresh content and complete the new reward track that features some shiny cosmetics.
Inner Beast Collection Event trailer & skins
The trailer showcases all of the skins and cosmetics that are going to be available to collect during the Inner Beast Collection Event.
The Hunt Takeover in Battle Royale

The Hunt is coming to non-ranked Battle Royale matches, giving players the chance to find unique datapads with tracking data. These will assign you prey (An enemy squad) that you have to hunt down for in-game rewards that will give you the best opportunity of winning a match.
You can activate a hunt at any time during a game and enemy squads will be randomly selected - marking them as Prey for a limited time. Be careful though, as Hunters will be tracking you down as well so keep an eye out for a warning that notifies you of Hunters nearby when they're within 70 metres from your position.
Whether you're the Hunter or the prey, keep your eyes peeled!
Octane Heirloom recolour

Octane's Butterfly Knife Recolor is the star of the Inner Beast Collection event, and the "Octane's Prototype" weapon looks stunning in-game.
Leaving the neon green behind, the daredevil's new weapon features a purple and orange design that matches his larger-than-life personality.
If you want to add this to your account, you'll need to unlock all 24 items available in the Inner Beast event by opening Collection Event packs.
Free reward track & unlocks

Don't sweat if you don't want to pull out your wallet this event though, as Respawn has delivered a free reward track for you to work towards.
These can be obtained by completing challenges that are refreshed daily, so be on the lookout for those! Typically these don't too long to complete, so it's not a problem if you don't have a huge amount of time to invest during the patch.
Now you know everything about the Inner Beast Collection Event, why not check out the Apex Legends pick rates of all the characters on the roster? There's also our Apex Legends homepage for all the latest news and guides.