How to get the Red Ink & solve the shield puzzle in Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways

How to get the Red Ink & solve the shield puzzle in Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways
Images via Capcom

Written by 

Kiera Mills


26th Sep 2023 11:13


If you're looking for the Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways shield puzzle solution, we have you covered. During your Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways playthrough, you'll need to get Red Ink - one of the suppressant ingredients for Luis in the game.

For the full puzzle solution, including how to solve the Lithographic puzzle to access the Bindery, see our explainer below.

How to get the Red Ink in Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways

Finding the Lithographic Stone

Lithographic Stone Tablet locations in Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways
Click to enlarge

The key to getting the Red Ink in Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways is solving a shield puzzle within the Bindery, your first port of call during the suppressant ingredient mission after Ada leaves Luis at the Fortified Tower.

The path to the Bindery is relatively linear, you will need to collect two Lithographic Stone Tablets to unlock the way forward, however.

The tablets are in the following locations:

  • Lithographic Stone A – past the collapsed bookcase, on a table opposite the Merchant
  • Lithographic Stone B – on a bench opposite the stone mural

Lithographic Stone puzzle solution

Lithographic Stone Tablet puzzle solution in Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways
Click to enlarge

Once you have both tablets, place them within the stone mural. The trick with this puzzle is that all tablets have two sides to them, you must pay attention to the centre symbol of each tablet, they will either have a red hexagon, blue hexagon, red square or blue square etched onto them.

Rotate the tablets and move them around the puzzle until the top piece contains a red square with a fan, the left is a red hexagon, the bottom is a blue hexagon with a dress and the right is a blue square with an umbrella, as seen from the image above.

The way forward to the Bindery should now be clear.

How to solve the Seperate Ways shield puzzle

Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways: Where to get the shield puzzle clue
Click to enlarge

Once within the Bindery, interact with the wheel of the printing machine to reveal a slip of paper. The paper contains the clue to getting the Red Ink.

You must hit shields in the room in the correct order as shown on the paper. The shields you need to target are the ones to the left of the wall next to the fireplace.

The Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways Shield puzzle solution
Click to enlarge

Shoot them in the order indicated via the image above. Once you shoot them, it will trigger a cutscene showing the location of the Red Ink.

Collect it from the now open chest of drawers, opposite the shield wall.

That rounds off everything you need to know about solving the Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways shield puzzle. For more Resident Evil 4 tips and tricks, check out our guide to all weapons and attachments in Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways or see our main Resident Evil homepage.

Kiera Mills
About the author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a former GGRecon Guides Writer.
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