Resident Evil remake rumours are good news for Code: Veronica

The twisted timelines and complicated lore of the Resident Evil series have never been easy, but now we're dipping back into the past for various remakes, the Resiverse can be a confusing place. As some look ahead to Resident Evil 9, others are craving another blast from the past with more classic remakes.
Following the release of the Resident Evil REmake on the GameCube in 2002, we had to wait until 2019 for Capcom to deliver the acclaimed Resident Evil 2 remake. This was followed by RE3 in 2020 and the lauded Resident Evil 4 remake in 2023. The question is, where do we go next?
Code: Veronica needs a remake

We've heard a lot about a mythical Code: Veronica remake, and in terms of timelines, we should've already played it by now. Often held as the black sheep of the family, Code: Veronica actually preceded Resident Evil 4 and told the story of Claire Redfield taking on Umbrella at an Antarctic research facility.
Importantly, Code: Veronica is a major arc for the villainous Albert Wesker (not seen since the OG Resident Evil) and neatly sets him up for Resident Evil 5. As Wesker featured in RE4's cliffhanger ending, fans have been championing a Code: Veronica remake in line with the other mainline entries.
Despite fears that we've skipped over a modern revamp of Code: Veronica, Capcom hasn't directly ruled one out. More recently, a supposed RE roadmap outlined remakes for the equally forgotten Resident Evil Zero and Code: Veronica. While nothing is official, the rumours are ramping up.
Code: Veronica remake rumours ramp up
After we covered Screenfire Germany trying to dispel some of those Resident Evil 9 rumours, it seems several bits were lost in translation. Over on Reddit u/No1PiggyOnTheBlock claims to speak German and has tried to untangle the mess of leaks and rumours.
According to the OP, a Code: Veronica remake has been in the works for 18 months and has the legendary Yoshiaki Hirabayashi working on it. Notably, Hirabayashi was a producer on the RE2 and RE4 remakes. The post also claims that a Code: Veronica will be the next release after RE9 (eventually) launches.
Delving deeper, the opening has been switched up to a playable version in Paris, Steve is more likeable, and Rodrigo has an expanded role making to the RE4 remake's Luis. It's all very believable, but at the same time, it could all be made up.
The other interesting point is the status of the rumoured RE5 remake. We always knew uncomfortable accusations of racism from the 2005 original would rear their head, and apparently, this could be getting in the way of its progress. We'll take all of the above with a pinch of salt, but whether it be Code: Veronica, RE5, or something unexpected like Revelations, we doubt Capcom's remake cash cow is done just yet.