The Sims 4 Landgraab Estate Agents pop up arrives in London to celebrate For Rent launch

A new Expansion Pack is launching in The Sims 4, For Rent, giving Simmers the chance to step into the shoes of a landlord and become a Property Owner or live amongst others in a new Lot Type, Residential Rentals.
With a gorgeous, Southeast Asian inspired world known as Tomarang, our review-in-progress shows that there's plenty to get excited about.
That's not all, though, because to celebrate the new launch, Simmers can venture on down to a pop-up installation in Central London in the UK, where they'll be able to head into an estate agents of all things, fittingly known as Landgraab & Son(s) Estate Agents.
Landgraab, Landgraab & Sons

Between December 7-8th, 2023, a press release states that Simmers will be able to head on down to a themed event space and enter Simnation by grabbing free (but limited) tickets, and while they're there, can do everything from "Simify themselves in pictures" to interacting with the Landgraab family - who will even speak to you in Simlish!
Giving gamers the chance to "put themselves into the shoes of a property mogul for the day", there are also opportunities to take a look at the For Rent expansion as well - what's not to love?
If you're dead-set on visiting the event and you're in the area, it's a pretty simple process to do - as all you'll need is to head on over to the pop-up's Eventbrite page (which was set up by the one and only Geoffrey Landgraab, might we add) and reserve your tickets there.
You'll need an account first, of course, but once you've signed up you'll be able to reserve your spot. Make sure to be quick, though, because as we've said, they are limited!
The Sims 4 For Rent releases on PC, Mac, PlayStation and Xbox on December 7, 2023.