How to get the best weapons in Starfield

The best Starfield weapons are well worth searching for as they'll turn you into an unstoppable force, blasting through the Settled Systems with ease.
As you progress through Starfield, you'll want to ensure you have the most powerful stuff available to you, whether it be the best ships, the best armor, or the best weapons. We've got you covered on that last one with this list of the best guns you can find in the game.
Having the strongest gear in Starfield will make your adventures much easier, but tracking them down is no easy task. We'll explain how to get each of these powerful weapons in the game and why you should obtain them!
Best Starfield weapons

The Revenant is an incredible gun found during the Eye of the Storm mission near the end of the Crimson Fleet questline.
This weapon is a monstrous rifle that can shred through most enemies in a matter of seconds. It uses a lot of ammo though, so I'd actually recommend giving it to your companion as they have infinite ammo for whatever gun they're using.
If you're flying solo, you can still use this gun to tear apart most things in your path though. You'll be able to grab it from the console on the Legacy once you reach it during the quest, but make sure you do as you can't return to get it afterwards.
Experiment A-7

A late-game shotgun that currently stands as one of the best Starfield weapons is Experiment A-7. During the main story mission Entangled, you can acquire this when you arrive at a security office with a character called Ethan.
You can make a Persuasion check and ask him if he has a tool for dealing with the aliens, and success will result in him giving you Experiment A-7. The gun has six out of its eight mod slots filled, and an Exterminator perk that deals +30% damage against aliens.
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An early weapon you can pick up that should last you for a while as your go-to revolver is the Deadeye. This is a custom-made revolver you can pick up after joining the Freestar Rangers and completing the Deputized mission.
It comes with a few mods already installed and a custom ornate skin that makes it stand out, but you can continue to upgrade it as you progress.
Heller's Cutter

Cutters are rechargeable rifles primarily used for mining resources, but they can also be used as weapons and importantly, they don't consume ammo when fired.
A better version of the standard Cutter can be found a few hours into the game during the Back to Vectera mission, when you return to the world you started on. Head into the hab after landing at the mining site, and pick up Heller's Cutter in a crate.
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Fiscal Quarter

Another choice for one of the best Starfield weapons is the Fiscal Quarter - a unique automatic rifle that comes with a short scope, compensator, tactical grip, and a hair trigger. Even better, it has armour-piercing rounds and a perk called Shattering that allows it to break through the strongest armours.
This rapid-fire machine can be acquired by completing the main story quest All That Money Can Buy, which appears later in the game, so it's hard to miss.
Unmitigated Violence

Toward the end of Starfield, some of the best weapons make themselves available, with Unmitigated Violence standing clear as one of the top-tier guns. You'll need to take some specific steps in later missions for this weapon, so here are the instructions:
- During the Unearthed mission, side with the Emissary at the end
- In the final mission, Revelation, after defeating the Hunter, pick up the weapon from his body
Unmitigated Violence is a laser rifle that has a litany of mods and three powerful perks that allow it to Frenzy enemies, deal radioactive damage, and deal double damage to full HP enemies.
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Eternity's Gate

Our final pick for the best Starfield weapons is Eternity's Gate, a legendary particle beam rifle that deals both physical and energy damage at the same time. Its perks give it extra damage against humans and every fourth shot fires two projectiles for double damage.
Much like Unmitigated Violence, you need to make specific choices in the final missions to pick this up. Do the following:
- During the Unearthed mission, side with the Hunter at the end
- In the final mission, Revelation, after defeating the Emissary, pick up the weapon from his body
That's all for our breakdown of the best Starfield weapons and how to get them, and now you know six of the strongest guns in the game.
For more Starfield guides check out our homepage. Alternatively, check out how to start and complete the Starfield Mantis quest to get some great gear.