10 best cups of coffee in games you should be drinking right now

Coffee! The very foundation to the start of the day. The magical elixir that provides me with that first feeling of warmth in the pit of my stomach over breakfast, gives me the boost of energy I need to wake up and keeps me toasty throughout winter.
But it’s not just real life where coffee thrives, it’s in video games too – and that’s why I’m breaking down 10 of the best cups of coffee in games that you should be drinking right now in this caffeinated list so you too can enjoy this delightful beverage in as many games as possible.
Best cups of coffee in games

While it may not be the most… inviting cup of coffee, one of the most impactful scenes in horror games of the last decade has to be the opening sequence from Prey. As Morgan Yu watches from behind his testing glass, we see a humble cup of coffee get taken over by a Mimic, one of the main enemies in Prey.
As the scientist reaches for it, the Mimic attacks and the game begins. While it’s certainly not one to drink, any game that starts with a murderous cup of coffee cannot be overlooked. Everyone knows coffee can be bitter, but who knew it could be killer too?
Stardew Valley

Perhaps the pinnacle of cosy games, Stardew Valley is also home to some of the best coffee in gaming, from its delicious appearance to its functionality. By placing coffee beans into a keg, you can continuously produce bountiful amounts of coffee (I have a whole shed full of them).
Coffee in Stardew Valley gives you a movement speed boost, which is a great way to help you get around town or the mines to complete your daily tasks before the sun sets. A perfect pick-me-up to start your Stardew day.
Detective Pikachu Returns

What’s a detective without a cup of coffee? That question also extends to the world of Pokémon, with Detective Pikachu more caffeinated than ever in Detective Pikachu Returns. As you embark on your set of latest mysteries, Detective Pikachu will chime in from time to time to give you some tips on the beautiful beverage.
While we may have Sinistea and Polteageist in Pokémon, I eagerly await a coffee variant in the next generation.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf

While Animal Crossing: New Horizons did eventually implement the return of Brewster and The Roost café in the museum, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, its 3DS predecessor, took it a step further by allowing Brewster to open his establishment that you could work in for a few extra Bells.
Hopping behind the counter gave you the chance to brew some delicious takeaway coffee for the residents of your town, and if you had a special visitor, they could also stop by for a brew. While some requests are more demanding than others, Brewster remains a quiet professional… just don’t ask where the pigeon milk comes from.
Coffee Talk

Is there anything more romantic than whiling away your days in a quaint café? Perhaps doing some work, writing a book, or simply taking in the ambience of the rainy city at night. Coffee Talk embraces this and places you in the shoes of a barista – ever-ready to lend an ear to the troubles of the fantasy folk that frequent your establishment.
Persona 5

Following your unjust run-in with the law at the start of Persona 5, your protagonist, Joker, will find himself lodging with Sojiro Sakura, the proprietor of Café Leblanc. During your time here, it will eventually become the central hub for the Phantom Thieves’ schemes.
However, if you want to get in Sojiro’s good books, doing a shift behind the counter and concocting some caffeinated creations will bolster your confidante level with him and have benefits that will assist you in Mementos and the Palaces.
The Evil Within 2

In a world filled with pure, unimaginable horrors, coffee will always provide the perfect respite and a haven, as is the case in The Evil Within 2. As Sebastian Castellanos, you’re forced back into the world of STEM to find the daughter you long thought dead, all the while facing off against the most horrific malformations and terrifying bosses.
Along the way, Sebastian will find safe rooms and a coffee maker, constantly brewing and always ready to provide him with a warm, healing beverage.
Alan Wake 2

Perhaps the closest you’ll get to a fully realised Lynchian video game, Alan Wake 2 feels like the equivalent of Twin Peaks: The Return with its darker tone and its incredible emphasis on coffee. I never thought there would be scope in a game to have a theme park inspired by coffee – but Coffee World realised just that. Sure it’s infested with malevolent shadowy entities, but that’s nothing compared to the service it offers.
Alongside this, you’ll frequently find Alex Casey and Saga Anderson sipping on a mug of the good stuff, and a coffee thermos is used as your save points in the game. Once again demonstrates that home is where the coffee is.
Deadly Premonition

If Alan Wake 2 is like Twin Peaks: The Return, then Deadly Premonition is its progenitor series, right down to the damn fine coffee synonymous with it. As FBI Agent Francis York Morgan enters the town of Greenvale, he frequently consults the omniscient presence of Zach to help him deduce the key details of the murder at the heart of the story.
Along the way, he also finds himself staring into the swirling milk of a cup of coffee that presents him with the letters F.K. A clue as to the identity of the Killer. While this is perhaps the most notable use of the coffee, returning to the hotel for more cups will also provide you with various fortunes and tidbits that may or may not be useful in solving the crime. Isn't that right, Zach?
What is the best cup of coffee in games?
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations

So far, we’ve seen coffee tell the future, speed up your characters, and even have its own caffeinated theme park, but nothing can compare to Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations. The stage is set: a hushed courtroom, a deadly case, and the elusive prosecutor, Godot exchanges barbs with our hero, Phoenix Wright. Suddenly, a freshly brewed coffee slides into Godot’s hand.
The way Godot describes it with such poetic flair as “blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than hell itself… that is coffee” lends credence to his appreciation of the esteemed beverage. It's intertwined with his soul and he isn’t afraid to use it as a weapon, with it finding itself frequently over Phoenix Wright’s head, having been dashed across the courtroom.
Coffee has never been truly appreciated by a single individual as it has by Godot in this game, and for that, it is my pick for the best cup of coffee in games.
And that’s it, the best cups of coffee in games. If you’ve enjoyed reading this, why not go ahead and pour yourself a delicious hot cup of coffee, and have a read of our other lists while you savour it?