Finding every Kitakami Ogre Clan member in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: The Teal Mask

Most likely encountering one or two as you progress through the story, knowing all of the Kitakami Ogre Clan member locations in the Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Teal Mask DLC gives you the opportunity for fantastic rewards if you beat each one.
However, unless you scour every inch of Kitakami Island, finding every Orge Clan member on your own isn't a guarantee. So, to speed up your search, here are not only all of the Kitakami Ogre Clan member locations in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, but their entire teams and the rewards you get in The Teal Mask for beating them in the game.
SPOILER WARNING: This guide may contain story spoilers, so be sure to proceed at your own risk to ensure details in the game remain a surprise.
Electric-type Ogre Clan member

One of the first locations you'll likely find in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet for the Kitakami Ogre Clan members is right by the town where you start The Teal Mask. As shown in the map image above, head north of Mossui Town to climb up Apple Hills until you find the cave to the left of the waterfall.
Head into the cave and the Electric-type trainer, Raikiri, will be right inside.
Kitakami Ogre Clan member Raikiri team
- Raichu - Level 75
- Luxray - Level 75
- Vikavolt - Level 77
- Probopass - Level 75
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Fighting-type Ogre Clan member

The spot for the Fighting-type Kitakami Ogre Clan trainer also happens to be located in a cave, but this time in the Crystal Pool. Head to the above spot in the above map image and head towards the cave in the southeast of the area.
Once walk inside and drop to the bottom, Kotetsu will be waiting and ready for battle.
Kitakami Ogre Clan member Kotetsu team
- Gallade - Level 75
- Heracross - Level 75
- Conkeldurr - Level 76
- Kommo-o - Level 77
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Fairy-type Ogre Clan member

The third trainer in the Kitakami Ogre Clan can be found in the location marked above, southeast of Kitakami Hall. Amongst the bamboo and numerous Heracross, you'll soon come across the Fairy-type Ogre Clan member, Masamune.
Kitakami Ogre Clan member Masamune team
- Clefable - Level 77
- Grimmsnarl - Level 75
- Gardevoir - Level 75
- Ribombee - Level 76
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Ice & Rock-type Ogre Clan member

For the next Kitakami Ogre Clan member location, you'll want to fly back to The Crystal Pool and head west to the marked position above. Right in front of a Pokemon-filled pond is Kunitsuna, the member who uses a mix of Rock and Ice-type Pokemon.
Kitakami Ogre Clan member Kunitsuna team
- Carbink - Level 75
- Golem - Level 75
- Mamoswine - Level 77
- Froslass - Level 76
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Water-type Ogre Clan member

You can find the Water-type Kitakami Ogre Clan member right by The Fallen Horn fast travel point on the far-right side of the map in the Teal Mask. Once you're there, walk slightly to the right and Hasebe will be ready for you to defeat here.
Kitakami Ogre Clan member Hasebe team
- Politoed - Level 75
- Drednaw - Level 77
- Ludicolo - Level 76
- Basculegion (Male) - Level 77
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Normal-type Ogre Clan member

For this Kitakami Ogre Clan member location in the Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Teal Mask DLC, you'll need to go back to The Crystal Pool and head northeast to the spot marked in the map image above. Right by the cliff, you'll find Munechika, who is a specialist trainer in Normal-type Pokemon.
Kitakami Ogre Clan member Munechika team
- Greedent - Level 76
- Ambipom - Level 75
- Maushold - Level 75
- Snorlax - Level 77
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Grass & Fire-type Ogre Clan member

Locating this Kitakami Ogre Clan member will require you to go to the Paradise Barrens fast travel point in the top-left section of the map. Then, quickly head northwest to the marked above position of Kanemitsu, who boasts a team of Grass and Fire-type Pokemon.
Kitakami Ogre Clan member Kanemitsu team
- Shiftry - Level 76
- Chandelure - Level 76
- Ninetales - Level 75
- Lilligant - Level 77
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Dark & Ghost-type Ogre Clan member

Click to enlarge

The secret (and final) spot of the Kitakami Ogre Clan member in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: The Teal Mask is none other than the NPC himself by Kitakami Hall who's been encouraging you to chase the rest down in exchange for rewards.
Once you speak to him after defeating all seven other members, Muramasa will reveal that he is too an Ogre Clan member and will challenge you against his team of Dark and Ghost-type Pokemon.
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Rewards for finding & defeating all Kitakami Ogre Clan members

If you've followed this guide to find and defeat every Kitakami Ogre Clan member at each of their locations in the Teal Mask, you can receive plenty of rewards from Muramasa in exchange.
However, if you want to start getting prizes before defeating all members, you'll be given the following rewards in accordance with the number of Kitakami Ogre Clan members you've defeated:
- Focus Sash - Defeat one member
- Exp. Candy XL x5 - Defeat two members
- Assault Vest - Defeat three members
- Rare Candy x10 - Defeat four members
- Choice Specs - Defeat five members
- Ability Capsule x3 - Defeat six members
- Choice Band - Defeat seven members
- Ability Patch - Defeat eight members
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That's everything you need to know about finding all Kitakami Ogre Clan members and their locations in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: The Teal Mask.
For more of what's new in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: The Teal Mask, find out how all of Ogerpon's mask forms work. Alternatively, for even more Pokemon Scarlet & Violet guides, you can be sure to find them right here at GGRecon.