All Pokemon Scarlet and Violet special evolutions

Are you looking for a complete list of the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet special evolutions? Most of the 400 in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet evolve simply by levelling up. Then, there are special evolutions: alternative methods of evolving like using evolution stones or trading a Pokemon whilst holding an item.
Beyond that, there are other evolutions which are a bit more difficult all the way to being downright convoluted. So, let's get into the full list of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet special evolutions.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet special evolutions
Special evolutions using stones

Stone evolutions are the easiest special evolutions in Scarlet and Violet since not only can you buy them in shops, but you can find them scattered all throughout the Paldea region as well.
Then, all you have to do is use the evolution stone on your chosen Pokemon. Below, please find all Pokemon Scarlet and Violet special evolutions using stones.
Pokemon | Special Evolution Stone | Result |
Capsakid | Fire Stone | Scovillain |
Cetoddle | Ice Stone | Cetitan |
Crabrawler | Ice Stone | Crabominable |
Eevee | Fire Stone | Flareon |
Eevee | Ice Stone | Glaceon |
Eevee | Leaf Stone | Leafeon |
Eevee | Thunder Stone | Jolteon |
Eevee | Water Stone | Vaporeon |
Floette | Shiny Stone | Florges |
Growlithe | Fire Stone | Arcanine |
Jigglypuff | Moon Stone | Wigglytuff |
Kirlia (male) | Dawn Stone | Gallade |
Magneton | Thunder Stone | Magnezone |
Misdreavus | Dusk Stone | Mismagius |
Murkrow | Dusk Stone | Honchkrow |
Petilil | Sun Stone | Lilligant |
Pikachu | Thunder Stone | Raichu |
Shellder | Water Stone | Cloyster |
Snorunt (female) | Dawn Stone | Frosslass |
Sunkern | Sun Stone | Sunflora |
Tadbulb | Thunder Stone | Bellibolt |
Special evolutions by trading Pokemon

One of the original special evolution methods along with certain stones, trading evolves certain Pokemon upon completion of a trade. Over time, trading evolution has also required traded Pokemon to be holding a certain item as well.
Pokemon to Trade | Evolution |
Haunter | Gengar |
Slowpoke holding King's Rock | Slowking |
Scyther holding Metal Coat | Scizor |
Special evolutions via max Friendship levels

As the name implies, all need to perform a Friendship evolution by maxing out the particular Pokemon's friendship levels with you. This is by performing actions like sending it into battle, using items on it, interacting with it in Picnics, or making it hold the Soothe Bell to boost it quicker.
After the Friendship level is maxed out, the Pokemon will evolve the next time it levels up.
Pokemon | Evolution |
Azurill | Marill |
Chansey | Blissey |
Eevee (with a Fairy-type move) | Sylveon |
Eevee (during daytime) | Espeon |
Eevee (during nighttime) | Umbreon |
Igglybuff | Jigglypuff |
Pichu | Pikachu |
Riolu (during daytime) | Lucario |
Special evolutions by using special items

Used in the same way as evolution stones, these special items are could be described as versions specific to the Pokemon itself - with one or two having a unique step of their own to the process as well.
Pokemon | Special Item | Evolution |
Applin | Sweet Apple | Appleton |
Applin | Tart Apple | Flapple |
Charcadet | Auspicious Armor | Armarouge |
Charcadet | Malicious Armor | Ceruledge |
Gimmighoul | 999 Gimmighoul Coins (then level up with Coins in inventory) | Gholdengo |
Sinistea (Antique Form) | Chipped Pot | Polteageist |
Sinistea (Phony Form) | Cracked Pot | Polteageist |
Special evolutions by the time of day

As the title implies, these Pokemon can only evolve whilst levelling up during a certain time of day. What's curious about time-of-day evolution though, is that most of these Pokemon require some other special condition as well - like having a maxed friendship level, using an evolution stone, or holding a particular item.
Pokemon | Time of Day | Evolution |
Sneasel (holding Razor Claw) | Nighttime | Weavile |
Eevee (max Friendship) | Daytime | Espeon |
Eevee (max Friendship) | Nighttime | Umbreon |
Riolu (max Friendship) | Daytime | Lucario |
Happiny (holding Oval Stone) | Daytime | Chansey |
Yungoos (level 20) | Daytime | Gumshoos |
Rockruff (level 25) | Daytime | Midday Form Lycanroc |
Rockruff (level 25) | Nighttime | Midnight Form Lycanroc |
Rockruff (level 25 + has Own Tempo ability) | Nighttime (7-8pm) | Dusk Form Lycanroc |
Formantis | Daytime | Lurantis |
Greavard (level 30) | Nighttime | Houndstone |
Special evolutions by a specific gender

These Pokemon Scarlet and Violet special evolutions are as such because these Pocket Monsters can only evolve to certain Pokemon if they're a specific gender, along with evolution stone or level up requirements.
Pokemon | Gender | Evolution |
Combee (level 21) | Female | Vespiqueen |
Kirlia (Dawn Stone) | Female | Gallade |
Salandit (level 33) | Female | Salazzle |
Snorunt (Dawn Stone) | Male | Gallade |
Special evolutions with specific moves

These special Pokemon evolutions in Scarlet and Violet can only occur in Pokemon who know a specific move, and then level up to evolve. What's also interesting about these is that each particular move is relevant to the evolution itself, like Annihilape's Rage Fist.
Pokemon | Move | Evolution |
Bonsly (level 16) | Mimic | Sudowoodo |
Dunsparce (level 32) | Hyper Drill | Dundunsparce |
Eevee (Max Friendship) | *Any Fairy-type move* | Sylveon |
Girafarig (level 32) | Twin Beam | Farigiraf |
Primeape | Rage Fist (Use 20 times) | Annihilape |
Steenee (level 28) | Stomp | Tsareena |
Special evolutions with specific battle conditions

These are among the most intricate Scarlet and Violet special evolution methods. Although this is a small list, the specific battle conditions required for a Pokemon to evolve after levelling up are some players might never realise on their own.
Pokemon | Battle Conditions | Evolution |
Bisharp (holding Leader's Crest) | Defeat 3 other Bisharp, each holding a Leader's Crest | Kingambit |
Primeape | use the move Rage Fist 20 times | Annihilape |
Special evolutions by walking

This is one of the most interesting Pokemon Scarlet and Violet special evolution methods since it's not only exclusive to these latest games, but it's also hard to track. For a walking evolution, you need to have your chosen Pokemon at the front of your party, press the R button to activate Let's Go mode, and have it will with you the required number of steps. Then, the Pokemon should evolve the next time it levels up.
Pokemon | Number of steps | Evolution |
Bramblin | 1000 | Brambleghast |
Pawmo | 1000 | Pawmot |
Rellor | 1000 | Rabsca |
Special evolutions by multiplayer

Another unique special evolution method in Scarlet and Violet, this very small list of Pokemon can only evolve whilst levelling up in an online or local multiplayer session. As of right now, there is only one Pokemon with a multiplayer evolution.
Pokemon | Evolution |
Finizen (level 38) | Palafin |
That's all you need to know on the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet special evolutions. For more of the latest in the game, check out the Decidueye Tera Raid dates and times. Better yet, here is how to send postcards to Scarlet and Violet from Pokemon GO.
For even more Pokemon Scarlet and Violet guides, you can be sure to find them right here at GGRecon.