Apex Legends Demand Huge Changes To Ranked Play

Though Apex Legends is an inherently competitive game, many players elect to stick to the regular unranked play. The fast-paced battle royale is packed with mechanics that are designed meticulously to benefit the more serious side of gaming, but many fans prefer the more laid-back attitude that the unranked modes bring, simply as they’re without any pressure to perform well. But, those who are involved in the more sweaty side of Apex are starting to find problems with the way ranked play is structured, and are pining for a big change to gameplay.
Fans Call For Change To Apex Legends’ Kill RP
Apex Legends fan PharrowXL shared a screenshot of a tweet to the Apex Legends subreddit, suggesting that the way Ranked Points are calculated for players in the highest tiers of ranked play. Tagging Apex developers Respawn, the tweet starts “in light of Predators abusing the current ranked climbing system to farm lobbies in faraway servers, it’s time to discredit KP for predators vs people below Diamond.”
It’s a fair point to make, as Predator players getting dropped into lobbies with Gold rank players is a phenomenon that can often sap the fun of gameplay out of Apex for the players in lower ranks.
Fans Lash Out At Apex Legends Ranked Play

Fans in the replies were quick to rally behind the idea, with commenters lashing out at Respawn’s ranked systems. “This wouldn’t be an issue if Respawn made a ranking system that actually ranked players. It’s the absolute worst player rating system that I have ever seen in my life.” Commenter MrStealYoBeef made a fair observation too, suggesting that the flawed cross-play system would solve this problem in tandem if it got some developer attention. “I agree, but if they actually made crossplay really crossplay then a lot of this wouldn’t happen”, begins commenter jgltazz. “PC population is a lot lower than console.”
An increase in the player base in crossplay would actually make a big difference to this problem, and it’s something worth considering by Respawn. This problem is clearly affecting many fans, and the worst-case scenario could become a reality - it could scare away fans for good.
Images via Respawn Entertainment