What are Promotional Trials in Apex Legends?

Promotional Trials are a new feature exclusive to Ranked Mode in Apex Legends. In an effort to put an end to cheap strategies for ranking up, Respawn Entertainment is introducing Promotional Trials, time-limited skill challenges that'll test even the best Apex Legends players. This primer details all the Trials you'll face as you climb the ranks in the free-to-play battle royale-hero shooter.
What are Promotional Trials?

Promotional Trials are a brand-new addition to Apex's Ranked Mode. Starting in Season 19: Ignite, players must truly prove their skill to advance to the next Rank Tier.
Now, when you reach the peak of a Rank Tier, you'll be assigned a set of time-limited skill challenges called Promotional Trials. Regardless of how you perform in matches during your Promotional Trials, you won't forge on to the following Rank Tier unless you satisfy the specific conditions of the Promotional Trials. The idea of Promotional Trials is to ensure that players achieve a minimum skill level before moving along to the next Rank Tier.
During a trial, you won't lose or gain any Ladder Points (LP), allowing you to focus solely on completing the trial. If you satisfy the conditions of a trial within the given number of matches, you'll get promoted to the next tier and receive 250 LP as a bonus. If you fail the Promotional Trial, the trial will conclude, and you will lose LP based on your individual performance.
Initially, Promotional Trials are limited to five matches, but you'll get an extra game to work with every time you fail a trial and reenter the same trial, up to a maximum of ten retries.
Promotional Trials do not apply to Provisional Matches.
All Promotional Trials so far

Below is a list of all the Promotional Trials in Season 19: Ignite and the conditions tied to each trial:
- Trial Tier: Rookie to Bronze
- Main Condition: Win a game during the trial
- Alternative Condition: Finish top-ten three times or get three kills/assists during the trial
- Trial Tier: Bronze to Silver
- Main Condition: Win a game during the trial
- Alternative Condition: Finish top-five three times or get six kills/assists during the trial
- Trial Tier: Silver to Gold
- Main Condition: Win a game
- Alternative Condition: Finish top-ten three times and get three kills/assists in three different matches during the trial
- Trial Tier: Gold to Platinum
- Main Condition: Win a game during the trial
- Alternative Condition: Finish top-five three times and get six kills/assists in three different matches during the trial
- Trial Tier: Platinum to Diamond
- Main Condition: Win a game during the trial
- Alternative Condition: N/A
- Trial Tier: Diamond to Master
- Main Condition: Win a game during the trial
- Alternative Condition: N/A
To complete a Promotional Trial, you must complete either the Main Condition or the Alternative Condition – you don't need to do both.
That's the gist of Promotional Trials in Apex Legends. While Promotional Trials may be frustrating for solo queuers, they should lead to higher-quality Ranked Matches. Playing like a rat is no longer a viable strategy because, thanks to Promotional Trials, pacifists must venture out and secure wins, kills, and/or assists to complete their trials and advance up the Rank Tiers.
Promotional Trials are a controversial addition to Apex Legends, but at least now you know your random teammates really earned their spot!
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