Best Genshin Impact Venti Builds

The best Genshin Impact Venti builds share detailed information on the best weapons and artifacts that you can use on the five-star Anemo user and Bow wielder, Venti - the Anemo Archon - aka, god of Mondstadt who is also one of the originals from The Seven in Genshin Impact. In this best Genshin Impact Venti build, we also talk about his playstyle, roles, and how you can maximize Venti's potential as a playable unit.
Best Genshin Impact Venti Build: Role And Playstyle
Venti is an S Tier support that you can use as an A to S Tier Sub-DPS unit depending on the team composition, artifacts, weapons, talent levels, and constellations.
Genshin Impact is a gacha game and to live up to its genre expectation, it offers flexible characters like Venti that help to maximize the sales as most of the player-base will try to own him. Venti's playstyle is based on crowd control, exploration, and the game mechanic of infusing different elements to get an increased damage output.
Best Genshin Impact Venti Build: Maxmising Venti's Potential

To maximize Venti's potential in Genshin Impact, players have to use him as a Support or a Sub-DPS unit. If you go for the support build, the focus will be around Elemental Mastery and enemy resistance reduction. Meanwhile, if you want to use Venti as a Sub-DPS unit, the focus should be around raising his Anemo element damage, increasing Swirl Reaction output, and other similar things.
The Sub-DPS build for Venti will be focused on increasing the DMG output of his Elemental Skill, Skyward Sonnet. Meanwhile, the Support build will focus on Venti's Elemental Burst, Wind's Grand Ode.
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Best Genshin Impact Venti Build: Support, Burst DPS
Here are the weapons and artifacts you need to attain the best Support or Sub-DPS builds for Venti.
Best Weapons For Venti
The best weapon for any playable character in Genshin Impact is their featured weapon, released alongside the Character Event Wish banner, under the weapon's banner, Epitome Invocation - and Venti is no exception.

The best weapon for Venti is his featured weapon, Elegy for the End. The weapon offers a secondary stat that increases Venti's Elemental Burst, Wind's Grand Ode's recharge rate by increasing the Energy Recharge%. It also has a weapon skill called The Parting Refrain that increases Venti's Elemental Mastery while increasing ATK%. Overall, Elegy for the End is the best weapon for Venti in both cases - whether you are building him as a Support unit or as a Sub-DPS unit.
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The second weapon that works well with Venti is yet another five-star bow called the Skyward Harp. You might know about the Skyward Harp if you have characters like Childe. Though if not, you must know that Skyward Harp is one of the best, if not the best, Bow category weapons in Genshin Impact for DPS roles.

You can use it on Venti to increase his CRIT Rate% by 22.3%. Its weapon skill Echoing Ballad increases CRIT DMG by 20%. Moreover, every hit from the Bow has a "60% chance to inflict a small AoE attack, dealing 125% Physical ATK DMG." This effect can occur every 4 seconds.
The only problem with using Skyward Harp with Venti is that you miss maximizing Venti's Elemental Reaction potential as the weapon doesn't increase Venti's Elemental Mastery. So, we recommend players use the Skyward Harp for the Sub-DPS build.

Talking about four-star weapons, we have two masterpieces, namely The Stringless and the Windblume Ode, that works best with Venti. The Stringless secondary stat increases Venti's Elemental Mastery. And its weapon skill, Arrowless Song, increases the Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst damage by 24% at base refinement. With the R5 version of The Stringless, it serves as the best weapon for Venti. It is even better than a base refinement Elegy for the End.

On the other hand, you can use the Windblume Ode, granted you played through the Windblume Festival event of Genshin Impact and managed to obtain the said weapon and its refinements. The Windblume Ode also increases Venti's Elemental Mastery. And its weapon skill, Windblume Ode, increases ATK% by a considerable amount, though to receive the buff, you first have to use Venti's Elemental Skill.
Best Artifacts For Venti

The best artifact for Venti is the Viridescent Venerer artifact set that you can obtain from the Valley of Remembrance domain. Meanwhile, for the Sub-DPS build, the Noblesse Oblige artifact set will serve as a great artifact set for Venti. You can obtain the Noblesse Oblige artifact set from the Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern domain.
Here are the stat bonus that you get on using the Viridescent Venerer artifact set:
- 2-Piece Bonus: Anemo DMG Bonus +15%
- 4-Piece Bonus: Increases Swirl DMG by 60%. Decreases opponent's Elemental RES to the element infused in the Swirl by 40% for 10s.

Here are the stat bonus that you get on using the Noblesse Oblige artifact set:
- 2-Piece Bonus: Elemental Burst DMG +20%
- 4-Piece Bonus: Using an Elemental Burst increases all party members' ATK by 20% for 12s. This effect cannot stack.
Best Genshin Impact Venti Build: Stats And Attributes
The best attribute for Venti is Elemental Mastery, Anemo DMG%, ATK%, CRIT Rate%, and CRIT DMG%. If you are going for a Venti Support build, try to maximize Venti's Elemental Mastery attribute. Meanwhile, if you are going for the Venti Sub-DPS build, try to maximize attributes like the Anemo DMG%, ATK%, CRIT Rate%, and CRIT DMG%. Also, for Sub-DPS build, you should try to maintain the 1:3 CRIT Rate to CRIT DMG ratio.
That should be all you need to know to build the best Genshin Impact Venti builds - make sure you check out our guide on the best Genshin Impact Albedo builds if you want to know how to play as that character.