How To Kill Sims In The Sims 4

Whether you love your sims or not, killing them in various amusing ways is a rite of passage in the game. The Sims 4 introduces even more ways to kill your sims with every new game pack, although it isn’t as easy as you might think. Read on for a comprehensive list of all the possible ways you can kill your sims.
- Read our Sims 4 Werewolves review for a full rundown of the newest game pack launch.
Sims 4: Old Age Death
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Perhaps the simplest way to kill a sim is to live out their lives and wait for them to succumb to old age. Whether you’ve set your sim’s average life span to short, normal or long, eventually they will age up to an elder and die. Upon death, the Grim Reaper will visit to take their spirit away and leave an urn in their place. It is possible to summon the ghosts of dead sims by mourning over an urn or gravestone.
Sims 4: Overexertion Death
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This death is only applicable to elder sims and involves overexerting them through strenuous activities such as working out or too much woohoo. You can get them to woohoo multiple times until they collapse and die from exhaustion. Not the worst way to go.
Sims 4: Starvation Death
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This is the long con. To successfully starve a sim to death you’ll need to lock them in a room without access to food. After about 3 sim days they’ll eventually die. If you leave the lot at any time this usually frees them, so ultimate patience is required to slowly watch them fade away.
Sims 4: Drowning
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This is the most iconic way to kill a sim in The Sims franchise. Unlike previous instalments of the Sims where you simply had to remove a pool-side ladder to see sims flail around in panic, The Sims 4 gave sims more independence. This means, that to truly keep them in a pool until they drown, you’ll need to build an inescapable building around them. Most people build walls around a pool to get the job done. The Sims 4 Island Living also introduced siren mermaids to the game, who can lure sims out into the ocean and drown them.
- Read our Sims 4 Werewolves: Fated Mates guide for information on how the Fated Mates system works and how to find your own.
Sims 4: Fire Death
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Perhaps the easiest way to get rid of a sim fast is to have them make a grilled cheese sandwich with a level 1 cooking skill. 8 out of 10 times this will result in a house fire, with only a slim chance for the fire brigade to turn up. Fire deaths are easy to achieve and easy to put out, so make sure you cancel any extinguish interactions your sim may autonomously make.
Sims 4: Emotion-Induced Death
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This happens when a sim feels an extreme emotion such as mortification through embarrassment, hysteria through playfulness, or enragement from anger. The sim must experience a moodlet score of +7 in the enraged or mortified state, or a moodlet score of +15 in the hysteric state to be in any danger of death. This makes it one of the hardest deaths to achieve in The Sims 4.
Sims 4: Electrocution Death
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Sims can get shocked from repairing faulty electronics. If the sim is shocked more than once they can run the risk of dying from electrocution. This risk is increased if the electronics are near running water.
Sims 4: Cow Plant Death
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Cowplants are raised from Cowplant Berries, which can be caught from fishing in Oasis Springs or through seed packets. A Cowplant is a living plant that needs to be fed regularly. If the Cowplant is hungry it will stick its cake-shaped tongue out to lure unsuspecting sims into taking a bite. If this happens the sim will be swallowed by the Cowplant. If a sim is swallowed more than once by a Cowplant in quick succession, they will die.
Sims 4: Wishing Well Death
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This death came with The Sims 4 Romantic Garden stuff pack. The wishing well was a new item added to this pack that could either grant sim’s wishes or twist them unexpectedly. By wishing for immortality at the wishing well there was a chance for the well to kill the sim and bring it back eternally as a ghost.
- Read our Sims 4 multiplayer guide to find out how you can play The Sims 4 with your friends.
Sims 4: Sauna Death
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This death came with The Sims 4: Spa Day pack. If a sim repeatedly uses a sauna they will eventually overheat and die. Their moodlet buffs will go from a +3 to happiness to uncomfortable until they eventually spark the death animation.
Sims 4: Murphy Bed Death
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This death came as part of The Sims 4: Tiny Living pack. The murphy bed allowed players to diversify their builds and create a multipurpose bedroom and living room space. The murphy bed, however, can malfunction if it isn’t upgraded, and can crush sims inside them as they fold.
Sims 4: Puffer Fish Death
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This death came with The Sims 4: City Living. City Living allowed sims to try different city foods and recreate the recipes at home. The Pufferfish Nigiri is one such dish, however, if a sim attempts to cook it with a low cooking skill, they have a chance to poison any sims that choose to eat it.
Sims 4: Sunlight Death
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This death is unique to vampires from The Sims 4: Vampires pack. If you leave a vampire who is weak to sunlight outside for long enough eventually, they will set on fire, die and turn into ash, like the old-school vampire films of the 80s.
Sims 4: Exposure Death
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This death is experienced through extreme weather conditions, like heat stroke or hypothermia and was introduced with The Sims 4: Seasons. To circumvent this, you can make your sims wear weather-locked outfits and install heating/cooling systems in a house.
Sims 4: Death Flowers
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The flower arranging activity and skill came with The Sims 4: Seasons. If an elder sim inhales a bouquet that has been scented with a death flower, they can die.
- Read our Sims 4 gnome guide to figure out how you can appease each of the gnomes added to The Sims 4: Seasons.
Sims 4: Poison Death
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The Sims 4: Jungle Adventure introduced poison to the game. You can get poisoning from adventuring in the jungle. The sim will become ill and present with green markings on their body. If it goes untreated the sim will die, there is an antidote, however, which can be bought at the market or from a PC.
Sims 4: Rabid Rodent Fever
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This is a featured death with the Sims 4: My First Pet Stuff pack. If you have a bad relationship with a hamster or rodent and get bitten, there is a chance for your sim to contract Rabid Rodent Fever and begin frothing at the mouth. This will lead to death if your sim doesn’t source a cure. The cure can be bought from a PC after researching the disease.
Sims 4: Night Wraith Death
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The Night Wraith is an NPC, introduced with The Sims 4: Realm of Magic pack. The Night Wraith will haunt sims that have been cursed with the Curse of the Night Wraith and will lower their needs until they succumb to death or find a way to remove the curse.
Sims 4: Spellcaster Overload Death
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This is another death introduced with The Sims 4: Realm of Magic pack. Spellcasters will build up charge over time from performing spells, it is essentially a magic meter. Sims can dispel their charge to avoid becoming overloaded and dying from their magic.
- Read our Sims 4 Vampires cheat guide to learn how to input cheats in The Sims 4 and turn your sims into vampires quickly.
Sims 4: Beetle Juice Death
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This is the ultimate Easter egg. By drinking the Beetle Juice three times in quick succession, your sim will turn into a ghost. Beetle Juice can be made when a sim reaches level 10 of the mixology skill and requires The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle pack.
Sims 4: Flies Death
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This was introduced via The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle Pack, which introduced bug farming to the game. If sims try to bond with flies that are in a bad mood, they can turn on your sim and trigger the death cut scene. Flies gather around dumpsters and trash that have been left out too long.
Sims 4: Vending Machine Death
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The Sims 4: Snowy Escape introduced a vending machine death, where your sim can be crushed by a vending machine if trying to climb and shake it to retrieve stuck items from inside. If the sim is crushed three times in a row, they’ll die from the impact.
Sims 4: Mountain Climbing Death
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This is another death introduced with The Sims 4: Snowy Escape pack. If heading on a climb, your sim should be prepared with the climbing gear (which can be purchased online) and have experience with the rock-climbing skill before attempting a mountain in snowy escape. If your sim falls from a climb more than once they can be killed by the impact.
Sims 4: Chickens and Rabbits Death
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The Sims 4: Cottage Living introduced farming to the Sims 4. Like the Rabid Rodent Fever, the animals of this pack have the power to kill your sims if you have a low enough friendship meter with them. If you interact negatively with them, the rabbit or chicken will pounce on your sim and kill them in a cloud of dust.
- For more Sims 4 content, check out our Sims 4 Wolfsbane guide for a cure for both vampirism and lycanthropy.