How to get infinite money in The Sims 4 using cheats

Using money cheats are part and parcel of being in The Sims 4 community. Cheats like Motherlode are iconic in the franchise now, but there are even more cheats and ways of getting infinite money in Sims 4.
Below we've listed all known money cheats in Sims 4 and a guide on how to use them if it's your first time cheating your way to success. We also have the best ways to make money in the game legitimately if you're not keen on cheating and still want a bit of challenge in the game.
How to enable cheats
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Before using any money cheats, you must first enable cheats in your game. To do so, follow these steps:
- Bring up the cheat box by pressing CTRL + Shift + C if playing on PC
- Press Command + Shift + C if playing on a Mac
- If on console, press in all four triggers
- Once the cheat box is summoned in the top left corner of the screen, type 'testingcheats on'
- A script will pop into the box to tell you cheats have been enabled
- You can now proceed to enter your money cheats
Money cheats list
The following are all the money-related cheats in The Sims 4:
Enter this cheat into the cheat command box |
Cheat effect |
rosebud |
1,000 Simoleons |
katching |
1,000 Simoleons |
motherlode |
50,000 Simoleons |
FreeRealEstate On |
Makes all lots free to purchase. Type 'freerealestate off' to reset house prices. |
money X |
Replace the X with any amount of Simoleons you wish, and you'll receive that amount. For example, 'Money 5000' will get you 5,000 Simoleons. |
household.autopay_bills true |
Turns all household bills off. Replace 'true' with 'false' to set it back to normal. |
Best ways to earn money fast in The Sims 4

If you'd rather earn money through gameplay and more legitimate means, here is a list of the most popular and more effective ways to earn money in The Sims 4:
Join a career
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Of course, the easiest way to make money in The Sims 4 is by enrolling in a career via mobile options or by selecting the option to join a career on a PC. By comparing the hourly wage vs hours expected to work the top three highest-earning careers (at level 10) are:
- The Sims 4 Strangerville Military career - the Officer and Covert Officer branches both pay $422 an hour with 8 hours a day expected to work and 5 days a week rostered. This is a total of $16,880 you could earn a week at level ten of the Military career.
- The Stylist branch of the Style Influencer career - level ten of this career will earn your sim $500 an hour with a rota of 6 hours a day and 5 days a week. This totals a possible earning of $15,000 a week. This career is available to all players who have the base game installed.
- Interstellar Smuggler branch of the Astronaut career- The Astronaut career is also available in the base game and will earn you $413 an hour via the level ten Interstellar Smuggler branch. You will have 9 hours of work a day for 4 days a week for a total of $14,868 a week.
If you don't want to see your sims disappear in a rabbit hole every day and would rather earn money with more player involvement, gardening is a great option.
Every sim will have access to starter fruits, flowers and vegetable packs. As you advance your Gardening Skill, you will unlock the ability to splice plants together making more expensive ones to grow and sell.
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With The Sims 4 Seasons expansion pack, the most profitable plant to grow is the Dragon Fruit with a base value of $250 and a value of $695 when grown to the perfect condition.
To get a Dragon Fruit in The Sims 4, you'll likely have to make one by splicing together a Strawberry and Snapdragon plant. You may also get one randomly by opening a Rare Seed packet (although these take reaching Gardening Level 10 to unlock) or by finding one at the Romance or Spice Festival in San Myshuno. This is also a randomized event.
You can either get Strawberry randomly by opening an uncommon Farmer Flowers and Fruit packet (requires Gardening level 7) or a Seasonal Spring Plants packet (requires Gardening level 4).
Snapdragon is available in the Seasonal Fall Plants packet and Seasonal Spring Plants Packet (both packets require Gardening level 4 to unlock)
You may also encounter a Strawberry or Snapdragon in the wild, the best worlds to check are Willow Creek, Windenburg, and Newcrest.
Once you have one of each, you can splice the plants together to create a Dragon Fruit, splicing plants does require Gardening Level 5.
If you're looking for a plant to grow in the meantime, your sim may randomly receive a rose from a romantic interest. If both sims are in the same household you can choose the romance option to 'Give a Rose' to a partner and it will be added to their inventory.
When matured, a rose can sell for upwards of $80 each.
The Painting Skill is a great way to earn money. You can quickly level up your sim's painting skill by making them produce multiple paintings regularly. You can then sell a painting on a canvas directly. If the painting is a masterpiece it can sell for several thousand simolons.
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This can then be tripled if you also own a retail store and set it for sale with a markup price. All you need to start off is $350 simoleons to buy an easel from the catalog.
The higher your sim's Painting Skill the more likely they will be to produce a 'masterpiece' painting every time. Due to the reliable success of the skill, the painting method has quickly become a popular way to earn Simoleons from speed runners.
Owning a retail store
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With The Sims 4 Get to Work it became possible to own a retail store. Thankfully, the game is very lenient about what may constitute a store. If you manage to save enough money to buy a lot (the cheapest in Newcrest is only £1,500 Simoleons), you can then set up shop and sell anything at a markup price.
You'll also need a Cash Register which can be bought for a few hundred Simoleons, afterwards you can stock your shop with anything you've found lying around. This includes any forage items like MySimsGo! dolls, geodes, treasure maps, and more which can be found randomly in the worlds by digging.
Alternatively, you can buy items straight from the build-and-buy mode catalog and sell them to Sims at a higher price. You can markup items up to 100%, meaning you'll need to invest some time into your sim's social skills to get them into a position where they can convince sims to buy the times. If you do so, it's well worth your time.
If you manage to save up enough to buy one of the most expensive items in the catalog (the $15,000 Virtuoso Violin) you could then sell it at a markup price of $30,000.

You can also buy the 'Come and Get it Street Store' table from the catalog which effectively lets you create a yard sale event rather than owning a fully-fledged retail business.
While this has the benefit of costing a smaller amount to run initially, you cannot place buy-mode items from the catalogue on the table. You can, however, sell produce on the table and mark up the price at 300%. As such it's a good workaround if you're wanting to sell plants and forage items at a higher price.