How to get Annihilape in Pokemon GO & can it be Shiny?

The Rage Monkey Pokemon, Annihilape, is ready to make its debut in Pokemon GO, meaning Mankey and Primeape's final form will finally be obtainable in the mobile game.
Annihilape will be available from Friday, January 19, 2024, at 10AM local time. While most Pokemon in the game evolve with Candy and Evolution Stones, the method you need to use to turn Primeape into Annihilape is entirely unique!
How to evolve Primeape into Annihilape in Pokemon GO
To evolve Primeape into Annihilape, you must defeat 30 Ghost-type or Psychic-type Pokemon with Primeape set as your Buddy Pokemon. You don't have to beat any Pokemon with Primeape - it just has to be your Buddy Pokemon.
It hasn't been specified where you need to defeat these Pokemon, but we imagine you'll be able to complete this task by taking part in Trainer Battles in the GO Battle League, by defeating members of Team GO Rocket, or by winning Raid Battles. We'll update this page once we know for sure.
If you need a Mankey or a Primeape to evolve into Annihilape, you can get both during the Raging Battles event from January 19, 2024, to January 24, 2024. You'll run into Mankey in wild encounters and event-themed Field Research tasks.
If it's Primeape you're after, you can find the Pig Monkey Pokemon serving as Raid Boss in 3-Star Raids. Alternatively, you can simply evolve your favourite Mankey into Primeape.
Can Annihilape be Shiny in Pokemon GO?

Yes, Annihilape can be Shiny, even in Pokemon GO! If you evolve a Shiny Mankey into Primeape and then into Annihilape, you'll get a Shiny Annihilape. This rare variant sports a blue-grey hue but isn't too noticeably different from regular Annihilape.
That's all there is to getting Annihilape in Pokemon GO! Defeat 30 Ghost-type or Psychic-type Pokemon with Primeape as your Buddy, and you'll unlock the ability to evolve that Primeape into Annihilape. And if you already have a Shiny Mankey or Primeape, you can turn it into a Shiny Annihilape!
Check out our Pokemon GO homepage for all the latest news and guides relating to the popular mobile game from Niantic, like when to expect Origin Forme Dialga and Palkia in Pokemon GO.