How to reach the stables treasure in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

The Star Wars Jedi: Survivor stables treasure is visible as soon as you reach Rambler's Reach on Koboh, where you can see it in a blocked-off section of the Nekko stables - so I'm here to show you just how to reach it.
While you're in the area, there's a bonus treasure to get from the Nekkos as well, so we're going to make sure you can get as much as possible while you're in this part of the game.
How to reach the stables treasure chest
To reach the stables treasure chest, you'll need to have progressed through the game's story enough to unlock Nekko mounts and obtain Force Lift. Specifically, this happens after you've completed the mission at the Forest Array and are making your way back to Rambler's Reach.

Once you're back by the stables with the ability to ride a Nekko, call one over or hop on one already nearby. On the stable building, you'll notice an open window high above.
To finally reach the Jedi: Survivor stables treasure, you simply need to double jump with your Nekko. On the second jump, the Nekko will launch you higher than normal so you can climb onto the top of the stables.
Force Lift up the wooden panel, climb down into the gap on the left, and you can finally open the treasure chest to receive the Unique Material BD-1 cosmetic paints.
Jump back up darting between the walls, grab the Priorite Shard near the back on the way out before dropping down, and you're done with the treasure chest.
Finding hidden Priorite Shard

Next, they receive the hidden Jedi: Survivor treasure from the Nekkos, which you might see on the map if you have the upgrade, this requires a few more steps.
First, you also need to unlock Nekko mounts and have the Force Lift ability. Next, you need to find a Nekko that's pink, purple, white, or red. Either one of those colours may appear among those that randomly spawn at the stable, or you can find one around Bygone Settlement.
Ride your chosen Nekko of a required colour back to the stables and stabilise it in one of the booths. You'll know you have done this when the Nekko momentarily glows green and the game's HUD tells you.
Now, go to a Meditation Point and select Rest. Go back to the booth in the stable and the hidden treasure Priorite Shard will be there for you in Nekko manure. Use Force Lift to uncover the shard, select "Interact", and the last Jedi: Survivor stables treasure is yours.
Be sure to check out our Star Wars Jedi: Survivor homepage, where you'll be able to find plenty more guides, like how to leave the Forest Array and how to find and beat the Rancor in the game.