Check out these wild new Destiny 2 Supers coming in The Final Shape

With Destiny 2's Final Shape expansion is so close, we can feel The Witness breathing down our Guardians' necks and whilst the Prismatic subclass is getting a lot of love, there are fresh new Supers for each class to get to grips with too.
The game's next big content drop will add Twilight Garrison for Titans, Song of Flame for Warlocks, and Storm's Edge for Hunters, with each being tied to a specific damage type. Here's a rundown of each, including how they work.
All new Supers in Destiny 2: The Final Shape
Hunter: Storm's Edge

- Damage type: Arc
- Cooldown Tier: Tier 3 (8 minutes 20 seconds)
Remember when Arc 3.0 came out and Bungie told us it was it was all about finding the shortest path between point A and point B? Storm's Edge is pretty much the embodiment of that.
When activated, Hunters will summon an "electrified dagger" and hurl it wherever they're aiming, then blink (teleport) to its location and unleash an area-of-effect attack. You can do this three times per Super charge.
Early previews suggest it's really tricky to counter in PvP combat because the blink part pretty much makes you unstoppable. So, it'll be interesting to see if Bungie tunes this after launch.
What if the dagger doesn't hit anything? Well, it'll detonate and you'll blink to wherever it ends up. Maybe keep away from any cliff faces while you explore the Pale Heart, just to be safe.
Titan: Twilight Arsenal

- Damage type: Void
- Cooldown Tier: ? (We'll find out at launch!)
What's better than one axe made of Void light? How about three? Twilight Arsenal looks like it could be one of Destiny's more fun Super options.
Activate it to throw three Void axes, dealing big damage and causing a "weaken" explosion (for more on Void keywords, check out our Void 3.0 guide). Once that's done, you and your fireteam can pick one up each. They have ten ammo when grabbed, meaning you can swing them ten times with a light attack.
A heavy attack, however, will hurl it for big damage at the cost of the axe - so it's probably wise to get nine swings out of it before you hurl it at your foes.
They'll only last around 20 seconds when they're initially cast, so don't delay, grab 'em fast.
Warlock: Song of Flame

- Damage type: Solar
- Cooldown Tier: Tier 2 (9 minutes 16 seconds)
A Super that basically supercharges your Solar 3.0 abilities, Song of Flame sounds like it'll be invaluable in any activity with Solar surge active.
With it, weapons become radiant and you gain access to additional abilities, including a grenade that seeks out targets and detonates to scorch them, before moving on again.
It also buffs ability regeneration for you and nearby allies, adds damage resistance, and allows Solar and Kinetic weapons to scorch targets, too. Put simply, your Warlock will burst into flame and then it seems all of your opponents will, too.
The Final Shape is on our doorstep, so before it gets here, be sure to check out our story recap for everything that happened since Lightfall.