The Witcher 3 Investigate All Remaining Leads Explained

You may want an investigation of The Witcher 3 investigate all remaining leads objective, which appears during the Family Matters quest during your time in Velen. The Witcher 3 has a bunch of major and minor quests that can often feed into each other, and this can lead to a bit of confusion among players sometimes. So, if you are struggling to figure out what "investigate all remaining leads" in The Witcher 3 means, we've got you covered.
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The Witcher 3 Investigate All Remaining Leads Explained

The investigate all remaining leads objective will appear once you've made it through a large portion of the Family Matters quest in Velen, which is one of the main quests in the game's first act. It sees Geralt trying to find the wife and daughter of the Bloody Baron in exchange for information on Ciri, and will take you all over the region performing various tasks and investigating multiple leads.
If you reach a part of the quest where you talk to the Baron before finding his wife, you will get the objective to investigate all remaining leads. This refers to the other major main quest of this act, Ladies of the Wood, which requires you to find the Crones of Crookback Bog who also have information on Ciri. If you complete this quest, you will also receive more information on the Baron's wife, allowing you to go back to him, which will get rid of the objective.
This will start a new quest which culminates in the end of his story, Return to Crookback Bog, which will let you progress further through the game's narrative to find Ciri.
That's all for our explainer of The Witcher 3 investigate all remaining leads objective, and now you have an idea of how to further the Family Matters quest.
We also cover the solution to The Witcher 3 Magic Lamp riddle, which is a side quest you can take part in during the first act.