Overwatch 2 Echo Guide: Abilities, Tips, How To Unlock

Overwatch 2 perhaps has the most versatile line-up of characters in a single video game. From dwarves who can build turrets from afar, to a streamer in a mech suit - you’d be hard-pressed to find another game that manages to balance such a weird and wonderful set of characters.
One of the most unique you can find in Overwatch 2 is Echo - a robot fitted with artificial intelligence that has the ability to dominate the battlefield. While perhaps not as popular as some of the fan-favourite characters, Echo is a worthy addition to the roster with some powerful abilities. If you’re looking for how to play as Echo, along with wondering how to unlock her in Overwatch 2, then look no further.
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Overwatch 2 Echo Abilities

Echo is an agile damage character with a wide set of abilities for use afar and up close. If you’re looking for a great mix in Overwatch 2, they could be your perfect choice.
- Tri-Shot
- Type - Primary Fire
- Effect - Fires out three plasma shots at once which can quickly damage enemies.
- Sticky Bombs
- Type - Ability
- Effect - Fires out a stream of sticky bombs that can stick to enemies or surfaces for devastating effect.
- Focusing Beam
- Type - Ability
- Effect - Fires out a strong beam of energy that deals high damage to enemies who are under 50% of their health.
- Flight
- Type - Ability
- Effect - Grants the user the ability to fly across the map with a quick speed boost, before allowing them to free-fly for a short amount of time.
- Glide
- Type - Ability
- Effect - Gain the ability to glide down while falling.
- Duplicate
- Type - Ultimate
- Effect - Become a target hero, gaining all their abilities for a limited amount of time. The affected hero will be unable to change characters during this time.
With the ability to fight in the air or on the ground, Echo can quickly become one of the most powerful characters in Overwatch 2.
Overwatch 2 Echo Beginner Tips

As mentioned, Echo is perfect for both aerial and ground combat, and the biggest tip we can give you is to keep moving. Unless you have a healer on you, Echo doesn’t have a massive amount of health, meaning you’ll want to avoid enemy fire as much as possible. If you find yourself getting into a tricky situation, then be sure to use the Flight ability to quickly zip out of combat and regroup with your team.
The Flight ability also gives you an excellent advantage for your team - especially in objective-based game modes. Being above the battlefield and calling out opportunities or hazards to your team can help support them in ways other characters are unable to. Additionally, as the enemy team is focused on fighting down below, it gives you the opportunity to get the upper hand.
There’s also a variety of abilities to take into account when using Echo in Overwatch 2. Sticky Bombs are perhaps Echo’s most powerful asset, offering you the ability to stick enemies with powerful explosives, or even hit the objective to prevent them from advancing forward. It’s great against tanks and can quickly take down their health rapidly to help give you an advantage on the battlefield.
Additionally, you also have your Focusing Beam, which is great for a one-on-one fight with a foe. It’s also worth noting it deals additional damage when they’re under 50% health and is perfect for tanks or any other enemy you can grab on their own. Mixing together your Sticky Bombs and your Focusing Beam together is a recipe for success.
Once you’ve charged up your Ultimate ability, you also have a fantastic opportunity to duplicate an enemy character. It’s best to pick the most powerful on the opposite team, such as a tank, as you’ll be able to take a lot of damage. Your Ultimate as the duplicated character also charges up considerably faster, so be sure to use this to your advantage and pick a hero who will have a devastating attack once used.
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How To Unlock Echo In Overwatch 2

In order to unlock Echo, you can grab her from the get-go if you played the original version of Overwatch. If this is your first rodeo, then purchasing the Watchpoint Pack for £34.99 / $39.99 in Overwatch 2 is a quick way of unlocking her, along with 34 other characters and a variety of skins and coins, along with the Season 1 Battle Pass.
If you don’t want to dish out any extra cash, you can unlock Echo as part of the onboarding process but may take upwards of 100 games before she is finally unlocked.
- For another exceptional damage character, check out how to unlock and use Reaper in Overwatch 2.