Overwatch 2 Tracer Guide: Abilities, Tips, How To Unlock

Do you ever get that feeling of deja vu? Well, you can play Tracer again in Overwatch 2. That might be why. Here are the latest strategies to follow while playing the agile assault-based Tracer in Overwatch 2 for those untrained or rusty while picking her for your team.
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Overwatch 2 Tracer Guide: Abilities

In Overwatch 2, the British icon has a variety of time-warping abilities at her disposal, but to someone who has played the original, don't expect any surprises.
- Pulse Rifles
- Primary Fire - Her rifles (which look like pistols, to be fair), are short-range blasters that can hit people close by rather than a far away distance. You'll want to be up, close, and personal to cause the most damage. As always in a first-person shooter, aim for the head to get the most efficient DPS.
- Blink
- Type - Ability
- Effect: You can teleport up to three times to make Tracer move at an incredibly fast pace. This ability allows you to move in and out quickly from conflict. It's excellent to use if foes have low HP and you can get in from behind enemy lines.
- Recall
- Type - Ability
- Effect: With Tracer's HP being so low, this ability is essential. You can use it to recall Tracer from a previous timeframe, around 5-8 seconds before your current situation. When utilized, you'll gain the health you enjoyed before a conflict ever happened. Like the Blink ability, use this to get in and get out as quickly as possible. This is one of Tracer's greatest tools to help her team and pressure her opponents.
- Pulse Bomb
- Type - Ultimate
- Effect: Tracer's Pulse Bomb is a devastating attack as it's a sticky grenade that dishes out a lot of damage when it impacts.
- Tracer's passive ability is based on eliminations. If you take out an enemy, your movement and reload speed are increased. This allows her to take out multiple weaker foes in one sweeping action if you perform at the highest level. At these moments, she is deadly in the arena.
As you can probably tell, you'll need to think fast with Tracer. Keep your wits, get the best graphical settings for your PC or console, and win.
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Overwatch 2 Tracer Guide: Early Tips

While using Tracer, our advice is to be as cheeky as possible. Run behind enemy lines and try to pick off foes who have low health. Whenever you see a group running toward you, utilize her blink and recall abilities to get to a safe spot.
In addition, when Tracer is low on health, remember the location of each medkit that can be utilized to get back to 150 HP. She has an incredibly low health bar, so be tactical when you enter into battle. If your team is having a tough time getting to the point, causing a distraction or a few kills from behind can really help tip the scales back in your favour.
Tracer is not great to use in direct combat. Attacking from the sidelines or behind is your best bet due to how low her health is. Just one swing of Reinhardt's hammer will demolish her health, so be careful in short-range situations from the front.
Utilize Tracer's ultimate, the Pulse Bomb, when your opponents least expect it. Approach from the sidelines of the battlefield in a corridor or try to attach the bomb to a group of people defending the point. You'll have to be very close to them, however, so judge each risk and reward before venturing forth and trying to plant the pulse bomb. It's difficult, but once you've figured out a rhythm, you'll be an asset in battle.
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How To Unlock Tracer In Overwatch 2

If you've played Overwatch in the past on your account, Tracer should be unlocked instantly. However, if Overwatch 2 is your first entry, you can get the British hero by purchasing the Watchpoint Pack. It includes all prior 35 Overwatch characters, seven legendary skins, five epic skins, 2,000 Overwatch Coins, and the Season 1 Battle Pass. It is £34.99 or $39.99, depending on where you live.
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Who Is Tracer?

Tracer is a returning hero from the first game who is 26 years old and hails from the United Kingdom. She once was a pilot in the Royal Air Force before an accident caused her to leave the position. She then rejoined, but then decided working for Overwatch would be a better place for her.
After the accident of crashing a plane called the Slipstream, she was thought to be deceased. However, she began to reappear and disappear, suffering from a case of chronal disassociation. She is very thankful to fellow Overwatch soldier and scientist Winston, who created the chronal accelerator which brought Tracer back to normal life. With this device, she can also manipulate time, allowing her to go back and forth.
For more Overwatch 2 guides, keep reading GGRecon.