How To Get A Phoenix In Hogwarts Legacy

One of the key stories in Hogwarts Legacy is the threat of poachers to the wildlife around Hogwarts. Luckily, with the help of friendly house elf Deek and the Room of Requirement, it is possible to house and look after beasts in Hogwarts Legacy.
The rarest of all beasts in Hogwarts Legacy is the phoenix. To learn how to capture your own phoenix in the game, read here.
- For a thorough rundown of how to capture beasts in Hogwarts Legacy, check out our guide on how to get and tame beasts in the game.
Disclaimer: While the creator of the Harry Potter franchise was not directly involved in the creation of Hogwarts Legacy, their comments on social media around transgender people are hurtful and dangerous given the size of their platform.
We’d implore you to read our explainer of the controversy so far, and consider supporting trans rights charities where possible.
- UK:
How To Unlock The Phoenix In Hogwarts Legacy
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To unlock the ability to collect beasts you must first unlock the Room of Requirement after the 'Jackdaw's Rest' main quest. You must also unlock the quest 'The Elf, The Nab-Sack, And The Loom' which is a quest given by the house elf Deek after you have attended your first Beasts Class and have completed the 'The Helm Of Urtkot' main quest.
This quest will unlock the ability to capture creatures for your Room of Requirement Vivarium and is one of many quests Deek will give you.
The very last quest given by Deek will guide you to getting a phoenix after you have unlocked all three Vivariums. This is the only phoenix in the game and will require you to travel to Phoenix Mountain as part of Deek's quest 'Phoenix Rising'.
- Looking for potion ingredients? Check out our guide to the Fluxweed Stem in Hogwarts Legacy.
How To Complete 'Phoenix Rising' In Hogwarts Legacy
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Once you get the 'Phoenix Rising' quest from Deek, follow these steps to get a phoenix:
- Travel to the cave location on your map (south of Hogwarts on the world map, west of the Coastal Mine floo waypoint)
- Fly to the Phoenix Mountain Cave and unlock the floo waypoint there. You'll know you're in the right place when you see the danger signs outside of the cave.
- Enter the cave and destroy the blockade in front of you with a damage spell. Now, proceed forward.
- Follow the cave around and defeat the group of poachers.
- Continue round the cave and suck into the area with machinery parts.
- Defeat the poachers here before continuing through the vault entryway.
- A Phoenix will fly towards you in a brief cutscene, you will be directed to follow it as it flies onwards.
- Continue right and climb up the wooden structures.
- Advance through the locked gate (this will require Alohomora level three) for some loot.
- Leave the room and turn left. Head towards the next room where you'll see a glimpse of the phoenix again.
- Continue up the path and climb up the ladder past the spiders warning sign.
- Keep walking up the linear path and defeat the spiders.
- Head towards the central room and defeat the group of poachers.
- Destroy the stone wall right of the lantern to advance (use Revelio if you have trouble spotting it).
- Continue until you exit the cave to the peak of the mountain.
- The phoenix will be on a large centre boulder.
- Equip your Nab-sack and catch the phoenix.
- Now, head back to the Room of Requirement to turn the quest into Deek.
How To Get Phoenix Feathers In Hogwarts Legacy
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Now you have a phoenix in your Vivarium, you can look after it in the same way as other beasts. Feed, brush and rename your phoenix to keep it happy and in return, it may yield you some phoenix feathers.
These are valuable and rare resources which can go towards making gear upgrades on your loom in The Room of Requirement.
- Looking for other ingredients to use? Check out our guide to the Venomous Tentacular in Hogwarts Legacy.