Disney+'s Obi-Wan Kenobi Teases Fallen Order Connection

Hello there - Obi-Wan Kenobi is nearly back in our lives. As Ewan McGregor once again suits up in his robes to play the Jedi outcast in Star Wars, the galaxy far, far away, is ready to welcome him back with open arms. For the first time since McGregor took the high ground in Revenge of the Sith, he'll be reprising his role as Obi-Wan.
Away from the lacklustre reception of George Lucas' prequels, and arguably even more hate for the sequel trilogy, a reinvigorated slate of Star Wars shows is paving the way on Disney+. Alongside this, there's a crop of ambitious video game adventures proving that not everything has to be as bad as Jar Jar Binks. But, when will these two mediums collide?
Are We Getting A Fallen Order And Obi-Wan Crossover?
Up there with The Mandalorian in terms of fan praise, Respawn Entertainment's Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has helped give Star Wars video games "a new hope". Released in 2019, the sci-fi Souls-like introduced us to Cal Kestis - a Jedi on the run who survived Order 66. If this sounds familiar, it's because a lot of Cal's story mirrors Obi-Wan on the run from the Grand Inquisitor in the Disney+ series.
Appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, McGregor teased a tantalising Fallen Order connection that could bring the two tales together. Hyping the talents of director Deborah Chow and how much she knows about the source material, McGregor gushed: "It's the movies, but it's also TV shows, it's computer games, it's novels, it's cartoon books, comics, and all of the storylines have to sort of match up. You can't have some fact in the video game that doesn't match up to the movie. So, I would totally be out to sea, but she was amazing at knowing all of that stuff and guiding the writers as well with that."
Although Fallen Order doesn't get an official name-drop, it seems a little too convenient that Cal's story and Obi-Wan's also take place around the same time. You don't have to be Master Yoda to spot the connection, and let's not forget, the Fortress Inquisitorius from Fallen Order has featured prominently in the Obi-Wan trailers.
What Happens To Cal Kestis?
When The Book of Boba Fett aired its disappointing debut season, fans thought they spotted BD-1 at Peli Motto's garage. If he was there without Cal, it raises further questions. Given that an aged Cal Kestis didn't appear in the sequels - and he's yet to be mentioned in expanded canon - things might not end well for the flame-haired Jedi. We at least know Cal will survive through to the events of the upcoming Fallen Order 2.
With Respawn's sequel being set around the same time as Obi-Wan Kenobi, and promises of more Star Wars cameos, dare we wish for Cameron Monaghan taking up the role in live-action? Disney once nixed the wide world of Star Wars' Expanded Universe, but like The Mandalorian added Cobb Vanth to mainline canon and The Book of Boba Fett did with Black Krrsantan, it's only a matter of time before Cal is swooshing his saber. We just hope he makes it out alive.