FIFA 23 Trading Tips With SebFUT

Building up your Coin balance can be incredibly difficult, with just one mistake able to easily wipe out tens of thousands of coins if you get it wrong, so you're definitely going to want to check out these FIFA 23 trading tips. Expert trader SebFUT is extremely knowledgeable of the FIFA market, and he is here to make sure you make as many Coins as possible. So, to find out all of the FIFA 23 trading tips we have in store for you, make sure to carry on reading down below.
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FIFA 23 Trading Tips

SebFUT is a content creator for Tundra Esports, and he is here to give you some essential advice on how to navigate the transfer market, build your Coin balance, and avoid mistakes that will see your transfer profit drop like a sack of bricks.
Even if you have a bit of experience with the market already, there is bound to be something in this guide that you can pick up and use, as even if it only makes you a few more coins, you can then use those to reinvest further.
So, make sure to carry on reading to find out all of our FIFA 23 trading tips from SebFUT.
How To Start Well On A Low Budget
One of the biggest barriers for any budding trader is actually understanding where to get started. We can't all begin by making three million coins flipping 200 of a single high value card, but we do have to start somewhere.
Thankfully, SebFUT gives some great advice on an easy way to make a lot from a little:
"On a low budget, one of the easiest things to do is literally choose any player - ideally a player who is in the big five leagues and nations, and then when we get supply from packs just after 6PM, go and mass big or snipe 10% under their current value. So, for example if you choose Vicente Guaita, the Palace goalkeeper, and he's 600 coins, you'll want to be mass bidding and sniping under 500 Coins. You hold for a couple of hours, and then you can sell them all for 600, 650 Coins, and that's probably one of the simplest methods to make coins."
If you're wanting a more general approach though unbound from the time constraints of 6PM snipes, then here's another method for you:
"Another way is just using general sniping filters, so whether that's Brazilian gold right backs for example, or English rare gold goalkeepers. With that you're just buying and instantly selling instead of holding."
Sniping filters are excellent for players who haven't quite acquired the patience for trading at the moment, as they allow you to pick up in-demand players for under their current value, and quickly sell them for profit.
- Find out who the best FIFA 23 Lengthy players are in our comprehensive guide.
How To Trade Beyond 100,000 Coins
Once you've made good use of 6PM and sniping filter trading, and worked your way towards a healthy Coin balance, then you're going to want to move into more advanced trading methods than can make you a lot more.
Icon trading is something that is discussed quite a lot at the higher budgets, but SebFUT doesn't quite recommend that just yet:
"I wouldn't be going into Icons with 100k, personally I wouldn't start doing that until you have at least 300-400k+, purely because it's not really worth it on that budget, because you can pretty much only buy one Icon, and they take a while to sell."
However, there is a great method that you can do instead, which will help you work towards the Coins that will allow you to trade with Icons:
"On a 100-200k budget, one of the best things that you can do is SBC solution trading. So that's going onto FUTBIN, and say we get a daily SBC, from 6:30PM onwards, refresh the solutions, and buy typically full backs, keepers, or rares - player's who are really needed in that solution. So that when your average player goes onto FUTBIN and wants to complete this SBC, they then buy up all of those cards and their prices rise. SBC solution trading is something that is really working, even with Advanced SBCs."
Similar to 6PM trading, SBC solution trading specifically targets cards that have a much higher potential to rise, as they will be in far more demand as players look to complete the latest challenges added to the game. The more you can buy, the more the price goes up, and the more money you can make.
Does Crossmarket Have An Effect?
As this is the first FIFA title with a market that spans across the two consoles, we are still yet to fully understand how this will affect player prices. However, SebFUT has noticed some trends in the market already:
"The massive effect of crossmarket right now is that you get fast rises, because obviously there's more players playing and buying from the same market. But then other than that, we'll likely see the effect later on in the game, when you have big sell offs on cards, and Black Friday for example. There might be a bigger sell off than you might see on a typical market."
So, make sure to keep an eye out for any price movements, as you will have far less time to act this year with more players jumping onto the various buying and selling waves.
- Stuck on any FIFA 23 SBC solutions? Look no further than our guide for the cheapest solutions to every SBC we've covered so far.
When To Sell And How Long To Hold
One of the biggest conundrums when you have a card who is soaring in price is when exactly the best time to sell is. While it might be immediately nice to sell at a higher price than you bought, that will soon turn sour if the card continues to escalate in price. However, holding too long and missing that peak can have you wishing you'd just bitten the bullet earlier. Here's some advice that should help you make the right decision:
"It's very much down to the situation, because it depends on how many Coins the player has at the time. So say this person only has 10,000 Coins, but they've got a 20,000 Coin player that they bought, and he's now 40-50k, then to be honest I would probably sell. And I would sell sooner rather than later, as then you can build up towards higher budgets and more Coins."
As always, it's better having coins to work with now, than having maybe a few extra from a later sale. While it might seem like a bit of a loss, you can make far more with the existing coins than the difference you would have from selling at a later date.
Avoiding Easy Mistakes As A Beginner
When we're all starting out as beginner traders, it is easy to fall into the same traps and pitfalls and be put off. There's nothing worse than trying to do something with a limited budget and it not working, but here's some advice from SebFUT which will hopeful prevent those rookie errors:
"One mistake that a lot of people do is, say you have 50k, trying to buy a 45-50,000 Coin player. You want to spread your budget as much as you can, because that obviously reduces risk. It's not putting all of your budget into one card, as that prevents you from doing anything else because you're waiting for a sale."
While it might seem tempting to splurge your Coin balance on a flashy and expensive player, that gives you far less flexibility to actually make coins, as you're stuck with just one asset, instead of an abundance of small ones that don't matter as much to your overall stock.
"Genuinely, every person who tries to trade or make coins on the market will make a mistake, but it's about not repeating them, rather than not making mistakes altogether."
Understanding that you're never going to be perfect is the best way to get over any potential losses, as you are never going to make the right choice every time. However, if you don't learn from those mistakes, then you're destined to continue to make them again in the future.
- If you're wondering what the FIFA 23 best chemistry styles for each position are, then don't miss our guide for all the answers inside.
Should You Pay Attention To Leaks?
Leaks have become quite a significant factor in recent FIFA times, with the market reacting quite dramatically to cards that haven't even been announced yet, let alone released. So, that begs the question of whether you should pay attention to them, which SebFUT astutely answers:
"I wouldn't say they're essential, obviously in previous years they weren't a big thing, but in recent times because of the amount of traction they get from the general base, they're something you have to keep an eye on at all times. If you buy a card, and then there's a leaked card that comes out that can affect it, then obviously you need to know and plan ahead for what you're going to do. They're more something to keep an eye on, unless you're one of the first few people to see the leak."
As you can see, you can't really be reactive to leaks if you're looking to make money, as you're far from the only person seeing them, but it is good to be aware of them if you're wanting to prevent losing any money on your investments or cards.
The Effect Of The World Cup
With the World Cup mode happening slap bang in the middle of this year's FIFA cycle, we are once again unsure about how this will affect the market. Here's what SebFUT thinks will happen:
"I think with the World Cup mode we could see a bit of sell off before it's released, purely because people want to retain their coins, so they sell, and then think 'I'm on World Cup mode' for however long, and don't want to lose those coins while playing World Cup."
So, expect a market drop before the World Cup, as people try to avoid any value degradation as the game mode goes on. However, we are still unsure as to what the World Cup mode will be, so there might be even further market integration that could completely change the game.
So, that's all of the best FIFA 23 trading tips we have conjured from our conversation with Tundra Esports' SebFUT, so make sure to implement them into your market behaviour and hopefully you should be rolling in the money soon. If you're looking to spend your new hard enough cash though, make sure to check out the FIFA 23 cheapest 86 rated players so you can complete a high rated SBC.