Nintendo Is Killing Off The 3DS And Wii U Forever

Let's be candid - Nintendo is not good at preserving its titles.
The company have some of the greatest video game mascots ever conceived, and some of the very best franchises that the medium has to offer, so you'd expect that they'd want to allow people to enjoy them for years to come. Sadly, this hasn't quite been the approach.
Whether it be laziness or a botched attempt to manufacture hype, some Nintendo classics simply don't get brought back or get any way to play them in the modern age, forcing players to opt for playing them illegally.
And now, a whole host of games could be about to disappear forever.
Nintendo's 3DS And Wii U Stores Are Closing

Unusually soon after the consoles stopped receiving game support, Nintendo has revealed that the eShop for both the 3DS and Wii U are being discontinued.
It has been announced on the Nintendo support blog for Europe and America that in late March 2023 it will be made impossible to purchase and download new games on both the Wii U and 3DS. You also won't be able to add funds using a credit card or a Nintendo eShop card. It's a complete cutoff.
These severed ties are a big surprise for long-time Nintendo fans, as suddenly, the Nintendo 3DS is being treated as nigh-on obsolete by Nintendo, despite its huge array of exclusive titles and brilliant apps.
Why Is Nintendo Doing This?

This is simply what happens with a lot of consoles that have digital storefronts, but it has certainly come as a surprise for many. In the official blog post, Nintendo has stated that "this is part of the natural lifecycle for any product line as it becomes less used by consumers over time", and that "We are providing this notice more than a year in advance of the end of purchases to users will have plenty of time to prepare."
This doesn't make it any less painful though, and as Nintendo send the Wii U and 3DS down the river, we salute their vast contribution, despite the Wii U's fiscal failings. So long, space cowboy.