How to get the Glide Shirt in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Figuring out how to get the Glide Shirt (or wingsuit) in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom isn't too complex, but it certainly isn't simple, and with the addition of the Sky Islands, it's an item you will want early on.
This is the first game we have seen Link take to the skies, so ensuring you have armour that's essentially a wingsuit is a must-have item, as it can help with traversal too even if you aren't exploring the Sky Islands. So to find out how you can get the Glide Shirt and its location on the map, make sure to check out the rest of this guide below.
How can you get the wingsuit?
To get the wingsuit - otherwise known as the Glide Shirt - you must complete the first trial of the Courage Island Dive Ceremony. This requires you to pass through all of the rings in under 30 seconds, which can be quite challenging if you're not adept with the flying mechanics.

The Dive Ceremony is started on Courage Island at the map coordinates -0755, -1019, 0064, and you will need to use a Skyview Tower or a nearby fallen rock to reach it.
The Ceremony can be started by speaking to the Steward Construct on the island, but you will need to do a practice run before getting properly started. If you're struggling to complete the trial, however, make sure to continue reading for some handy tips.
How to complete the Courage Island Dive Ceremony
Completing the Courage Island Dive Ceremony requires you to have precise control over your in-air movement and paraglider, as otherwise, you won't meet the time requirements.
For the 30-second trial, you will want to use the right bumper to dive as much as you possibly can, using the paraglider only to line yourself up before diving again. This might take a few attempts to master, but it isn't too difficult once you get the hang of it.

Completing the 30-second trial will get you the Glide Shirt, and that is essential if you want to beat the 20-second record too. For this, you're going to want to forgo the paraglider almost entirely, and instead use the increased airborne mobility of the Glide Shirt to move instead.
This should shave off a precious few seconds, but you're still going to want to try and keep it as tight as you possibly can as 20 seconds is a tough time to beat. Completing this trial will get you a Large Zonai Core, however, so you can evaluate how important the reward is if you're struggling.
Be sure the head on over to our Zelda homepage for even more news coverage and guides like how you can get more Hearts and Stamina in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.