Will LEGO Fortnite be a permanent mode?

Is LEGO Fortnite a permanent addition to the game, or just a passing trend? Fortnite has been increasing the number of ways you can play the game with new modes for a while now, but nothing has been on the scale of the new LEGO mode.
This begs the question, is LEGO Fortnite here to stay? Here's what you need to know.
Is LEGO Fortnite a permanent mode?
It's great news for the fans, as LEGO Fortnite is indeed a permanent addition to Fortnite's roster of modes. There has been some confusion on this matter, but the official Fortnite account has made a statement to clear things up:
The partnership between Epic and LEGO has been in the works for some time now, and while few specific details about future updates have been offered, it has been confirmed that several more LEGO-themed games and experiences will arrive in Fortnite starting early next year.
Tim Sweeney, CEO and Founder of Epic Games, had this to say: "We look forward to continuing to partner with The LEGO Group to build immersive digital play spaces that are fun for kids and all types of players."
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If you've seen or played LEGO Fortnite, you will know it's no simple side activity, and more or less an entire game in itself. Serious work has gone into this, including transferring many existing Fortnite skins into LEGO designs, so it would seem apparent that this is a committed undertaking.
Exactly what is to come in the future is yet unknown, LEGO Fortnite seems like fertile ground for building and expanding upon, but as of right now we only know that future updates are planned, not what they will contain.
That's everything we know so far about LEGO Fortnite and how long it will be around. For more on the game, head to our Fortnite homepage where we have guides on Fortnite OG, Society Medallions, and where to find Peter Griffin.