Modders have officially turned Red Dead Redemption 2 into GTA

Even though their experiences are incredibly different, Rockstar Games has done a good job of bridging the cultural gaps between the Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead franchises.
While both will let you blast and kill willy-nilly, GTA's stance as an American satire of modern culture and Red Dead Redemption 2's presence as a dramatically realistic outlaw simulator should ultimately draw a huge line in the sand between the pair.
Still, Rockstar's signature gameplay style has kept the two intrinsically tethered, like a civilian to the back of a horse that's galloping down a dirt road. This connection is having its boundaries pushed, as modders have done the seemingly unthinkable and brought the two very different worlds together.
Fans want cars in Red Dead Redemption 2
Of all the things that players want in the cowboy simulator, this isn't actually that far-fetched. Fans have taken to Reddit to claim that if you throw a few cars into Red Dead Redemption 2, you won't be that far away from experiencing what GTA 6 has to offer.
The gag was shared to the GTA 6 subreddit, and players have sounded off in the comments about how great it would be to see a car make it into the cowboy caper in the form of an Easter egg, like a time-travelling whip from Back to the Future.
However, some in the comments have neglected to consider that they've already been beaten to the punch. Red Dead's modding community isn't quite up there with Skyrim's, but trust us, there are plenty of GTA-inspired overhauls if you know where to look.
Cars have already been modded into Red Dead Redemption 2
Automotive aficionados have no need to panic because you can already plug some vehicles straight into Red Dead Redemption 2 and drive around in an era that hasn't any idea what this futuristic tech is.
As shared by user TheBackou in the RDR subreddit, there is already a mod out there that will allow you to take a black Chevy for a spin across Blackwater and beyond, meaning you can live out your fantasy of making passers-by faint from sheer shock.
Call it a test drive for GTA 6 or a goofy addition to Red Dead; it's one that fans have wanted for a while, and so they get what they want. We're more inclined to trot about on horseback than race around scaring the sheriff, but whatever floats your boat.