MultiVersus Guide Directory

MultiVersus is a crossover platform fighter game that features a number of popular characters from Warner Bros. properties like DC Comics, Adventure Time, Scooby Doo, and much more.
Here you'll find GGRecon's coverage for everything worth knowing about the game, from character guides to tips, and more.

The fighters are how you connect with MultiVersus, so make sure you know how all characters work and how best to utilise them in matches.
Fighter List
Move Guides
- Arya Stark
- Banana Guard
- Batman
- Black Adam
- Bugs Bunny
- Finn
- Garnet
- Gizmo
- Harley Quinn
- Iron Giant
- Jake
- Jason Vorhees
- Joker
- LeBron James
- Marvin the Martian
- Morty
- Reindog
- Rick
- Shaggy
- Steven Universe
- Stripe
- Superman
- Taz
- Tom & Jerry
- Velma
- Wonder Woman
Tier List
How to unlock

Knowing where you'll be fighting is always a good idea, so learn all about the various stages of MultiVersus.
Each character has a number of exclusive Perks along with general ones that all fighters can equip, so take the time to learn all about them.
Tips & Tricks

There are lots of tips, tricks, explanations, and how-tos we can give you for MultiVersus, so here's where to find them.
- How to play ranked
- How MMR works
- How to see leaderboards
- How to get Gleamium
- How to 1v1 a friend
- How to taunt
- How to Toast another player
- Best mods
- Best Perks
- Best character tier list
For any general questions or queries you have about MultiVersus, we've got you covered.
- Does it have couch co-op?
- Does it have crossplay?
- Is there an offline mode?
- PC system requirements
- Is there split-screen?
- Achievement list
This guide is a work in progress and will be continuously updated as the game evolves.