All new exotic weapons & armour coming in Destiny 2 The Final Shape

The Final Shape will bring new exotic weapons and armour to Destiny 2, and we have gotten a look at several of them. Destiny 2 expansions always bring a handful of new and returning items into the game.
Some of the exotic weapons and armour pieces coming with TFS have been revealed, and have certainly piqued our curiosity. Here are the new additions that we know about so far.
Exotic armour in The Final Shape
Exotic item | Class (Type) |
Essentialism | Hunter (Class Item) |
Stoicism | Titan (Class Item) |
Solipsism | Warlock (Class Item) |
Hazardous Propulsion | Titan (Chest) |
Gifted Conviction | Hunter (Chest) |
Mataiodoxia | Warlock (Chest) |
On top of the typical one piece of exotic armour for each class, The Final Shape brings the first exotic class items to Destiny 2, each of which can roll with two random exotic perks taken from other items, regardless of class.
Hazardous Propulsion

This Titan chest activates whenever you use your class ability, and fires off a cluster of Exodus rockets. These rockets will target nearby enemies and bombard them with damage. It's hard to see how this might factor into any specific builds, but it is undeniably cool to drop your barrier and unload rockets at the same time.
Gifted Conviction

This one is a little less clearly defined, but the description reads 'Arc Aspects create bouncing explosives'. This seems to mean that abilities granted by your Aspects, such as the Tempest Strike melee ability, or the effects of Lethal Current. When activated, projectiles scatter around you and detonate, dealing Arc damage.

For the Warlocks, this chest piece buffs your Strand melee ability Arcane Needles. Hitting an enemy with your Arcane Needles will cause a Suspend detonation, suspending all nearby enemies. This will be useful for both your Strand builds and the new Prismatic subclass.
Exotic weapons in The Final Shape
Weapon | Details |
Khvostov 7G-0X | Kinetic Auto Rifle |
Microcosm | Heavy Trace Rifle |
Khvostov 7G-0X

The first exotic weapon announced for The Final Shape is a returning classic. The Khvostov 7G-0X is an exotic repress of the very first weapon the players picked up in the original game, and any New Lights in Destiny 2.
The original Khvostov did get an exotic upgrade in the original Destiny as well, meaning this is a returning exotic. Its unique perk makes every seventh bullet ricochet. These are not your average ricochet rounds, as a single bullet will bounce between several different enemies, dealing damage to each.

Microcosm is a unique weapon, the first Trace Rifle in the Heavy weapon slot. It is also a very interesting-looking weapon, that would not look out of place among the Covenant's arsenal in the Halo series.
This Heavy Trace Rifle's exotic perk has it deal 'massive bonus damage' to shielded enemies. The element of the weapon is unclear, it seems likely to be a Void weapon but that hasn't been confirmed.
The exotic perk would suggest that the bonus damage applies to all shields, but whether or not there is an elemental aspect is not yet known.
That is it for the exotic weapons and armour pieces coming in The Final Shape. For more info, head to our Destiny 2 homepage where we have guides on Pantheon and the BRAVE Arsenal, as well as regularly updated guides to the weekly reset, Legend Lost Sector rotation, Xur and Trials of Osiris.